The award ship is ... I will put this as kindly as possible ... bad. If it was the ship of some pirate prince who took captured parts of ships and welded them together I might say ok. I don't post often but I have to say "What were you thinking?" I hope you offer a different option as well.
A few things would be nice to see adjusted/corrected. *********** Temporal T6 battle cruiser costs 3000 by itself but if you buy the temporal starter pack you get it and the T1 ship and extras for 2000 so why list the T6 at 3000? *********** TOS captains should always be able to pick the TOS uniforms for crew later on.…
Going to make a large group of players VERY happy. Short list really Trekies - Fly the galaxy map from the bridge. (likely) Creative types - Foundry coming back. (unlikely) Ship fans - All ships level up with you (unlikely because loss of revenue) (very unlikely) Power gamers - Tier 7 ships (likely) PvP - Dedicated PvP…
Here is my suggestion as an OPTION (can be turned on or off per character) When you set a particular destination on the galaxy map (required) you are transfered to your bridge and ship interior WHILE your ship heads to the destination. Window display moving stars while moving and still stars when stopped at arrival. Main…