Please make diplomatic immunity something actually worthwhile going for. Having just a few start clusters to go into isn't really worth it. I should be able to visit Qo'Nos like the KDF players. Also I should be able to do the same on Cardassia and Rator. In addition to simply visting these places and having access to all…
And I'm telling you that that language filter doesn't do any good if people can get around it. Therefore it is even pointless to have it in the first place if it is ineffective.
If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody around, does it make a sound? Same could be said about the profanity filter if you make it mandatory. "What you don't know, can't hurt you". Therefore problem solved. And if I have a typo with the option of turning off the profanity filter, than I wouldn't know what to…
The filter is to stop people from seeing foul language and being offended by it. Even if it isn't directed towards themselves personally. So isn't turning off the filter to find out what was really said simply proactively looking for an excuse to find something to be offended about?
Then why allow the possibility of risk at all? Doesn't that just end up creating more work for the GMs? Not to mention it would lessen confusion about what is and isn't allowed and prevent the possibility of accidents? Additionally if it is censored from people then why would they then turn it off just to see if someone…
That still doesn't explain why the profanity filter is optional. You are just saying that there are other forms of inappropriate language that one can be flagged for. I don't see how that would stop the incentive from making the profanity filter mandatory in order to limit the amount of inappropriate language used. It…