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  • Sorry, but I don't care. I'm done with this game now. I say use it all. It's not gonna change a thing in this game if you stand on any type of moral ground to try to bring change through example. No matter how bad it gets, Cryptic will find a way to make it worse
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • really........?
  • Also...getting the word out to the as many ppl as possible is gonna be the tipping point, but also the hard part. Getting a dev to help with this would be a giant step in the right direction if you could pull it off. I know there are a line of PvP'ers that gladly give their time and knowledge to help this cause, but…
  • Good luck with this. Anything to help new players get into pvp is a good think.
  • the latter. I would stop playing sto if feds got these before they were fixed. They're unfun.
  • agreed. Once we know what we'll know once we learn it, time will then tell if time was all that was needed to fix all the TRIBBLE thats happened over time. We'll see...
  • Yeah, I also wonder what happened to this mysterious dev who "took over where gozer left off". If he's STILL trying to understand and finish what he "supposedly" had started working on, we're doomed...lol Lets face it, even if it did indeed get passed onto another dev (which is I really doubt since they won't even tell us…
  • I'm complaining... I'm not an escort player... Truth is, you're probably one of the many voices who say escorts are OP aren't you? It's usually easy to tell who has it out for escorts.
  • Aren't all of these counters to danubes and siphon drones as well? Nothing wrong with them either then I suppose. Lets all load up on these as well as tric mines, then change all of our layouts to AOE damage to deal with each others garbage, then queue up for PvsDSTP (Danubes,SiphonDrones,tricobalts,and the occasional…
  • You apparently don't really understand the problem. Since scorts are the only ones that can use the biggest offender of dispersal patterned trics (beta3), its kind of funny to say that its ONLY them complaining about it when they're the ones that can boost tric devastation more than anyone.
  • Gecko...is that you...?
  • I agree with the last statement. Short of leaving the game all together, the forums are about the only way to really voice our opinions. I'm just saying its unfortunate that cryptic as a whole really doesnt care. I do believe there are individual devs that care, but thats much different than the direction that cryptic is…
  • lol...you guys assume it was intentional. They probably just accidentally unbroke the break on the fix they made a long time ago to the power cap ;)
  • well, borg is one shot-able already thanks to trics I don't see it that way. I just don't think that cryptic really cares about pvp in their game. The vision they have for STO obviously does not include pvp. No matter what they say, their actions speak louder than words or in this case broken promises. Any one of these…
  • Well whether you believe it or not, I said "with all due respect" out of respect to TSI's understanding of the mechanics of the game. No one will deny the power house you guys were when pvp was still developing and how much you guys did to shape the landscape of what a "team" of players could accomplish. I think you may be…
  • crafting...lol free aim ground mode...lol How many projects have they buried themselves into for months just to release and forget about? These were major season releases, and they are a joke now. How about S8 "a season of balance" where they actually concentrate on fixing all the broken stuff and getting balance back to…
  • lol....I was going to JOKE about TSI running it to make the community aware of it being broken. With all due respect...you guys crack me up sometimes. So we should all load up as many broken things on our ship as we can and make it as unfun as possible to prove how broken the game is?
  • If the theory is top level pvp'ers is driving out newcomers, these changes will only hurt the newcomers even more. How many times have we talked about the changes to the game widening the gap between the vets and the newcomers? This will only further increase that. Ppl coming on and saying escorts are OP or claims that ppl…
  • i know of two very good pvp'ers who will be testing the vesta
  • Yes, players that have worked on developing team skills over the years of playing STO and honed their builds to work well with the rest of their team are the ones to blame for STO's pvp numbers. The same players that have been trying to get new players in and educate them to become better pvp'ers, allowed them to run with…
  • Non-SS related, but we ran across an interesting new bug tonight when our match took us to the top of the map. Two teammates got stuck at the top and couldn't move. Both had to relog to clear it. Anyone else run across this?
  • SS has been doing this for awhile now. As far as I know, it never went away. Its not a consistent bug to recreate, but I don't think anything was ever done to fix it once ppl started figuring out what was causing it.
  • ROFL. When's the last time they gave us a new BO ability that wasn't linked to a console? Here's an idea, actually make this game interesting again by making all your fun p2w abilities available to e1 and make all those consoles something that increases the power of the ship instead like being able to socket two normal…
  • "hoping" by next weekend? Don't you go live in 3wks? I'll seriously never understand your guys lack of interest in feedback. If this stuff releases one week before launch, as always, no matter how much negative feedback there is, you'll push it anyway. Do you seriously never learn from your mistakes?
  • They're not useless. Theyve been on my torp/mine cruiser build for a long time now and they worked fine hefore the buff. They just weren't one shot wonders before, but they still served their purpose to stun and knock off an extend here and there. A single alpha buffed tric crit can still get a one hit as Ricky's…
  • Well, this might not be for e1, but I'm going to buy myself an ironclad life insurance policy. I don't know about you, but just the thought of the rep grind make me want to kill myself. Don't think the launch of s7 is going to help that at all.
  • Well, two of the top abilities listed to fight tric's are csv and FAW so AA's actually make tric'ers even more effective by either taking those ability off the table or making ppl do splash energy damage onto the AA's
  • Do like me and fire up a rapid fire and let loose 8 cannons on them. Trolling your own team is always good for some lulz