Yeah, the fact of the matter is that Cryptic is getting far more money from non lifers, why should they be compelled to give them more bonuses. For the record I am a lifer and I don't mind, I got my moneys worth years ago.
maybe you've not been around long enough to hear this, but they've explained repeatedly that the people who make the events aren't the same people that are in charge of server stability.
yeah, if it does not detect a cloaked ship, it will home on your current target, but I'm not entirely convinced that it is tactically useful in that role. After all, I'll bet you can turn your ship to bring your rear weapons to bear on the target before the emission seeking torp actually reaches it.
yeah, I don't think they'll reduce the CD. You can make the torpedo do more damage by using different types of torpedoes though, it's not tied to photons. TBH, I think you'll soon find that this particular console isn't that useful. Players know how to avoid the warheads in PvP, and you just don't run into that many…
You asked on the forum, that means anyone can answer. Besides, devs don't usually kowtow to people who complain like that. The answer is going to be exactly the same as people have said above, this game runs on microtransactions, they decided not to make the belfast bridge part of any Defiant packs, it's part of the DS9…
The Federation has used duckblinds before, see "Who Watches the Watchers." I would think that the Romulans would have objected a long time ago if they used real cloaking tech, it's probably a holographic system, since it doesn't have to hide them from sophisticated sensors anyway. The ship probably was a violation, since…
you're kind of looking in the wrong part of the forum. This section's for discussing the fleet system mechanics, you should post in the Fleet Administration Station section.
yeah, the race specific dialogue was only added in the more recent missions, IIRC, it only got put in "Frozen" because that became a major storyline mission for the Romulans. We can only hope that someday, more of the missions are retrofitted with the tech to recognize species.
Seeing as they don't hold the license to the SFB games, or SFC for that matter, I don't think we'll see any of that any time soon. Besides, you know the Lyrans were just a copy of the Kzinti, right? FASA couldn't get the rights for them from Niven, so they just changed the name.
I still think we should be taking a queue from the last level cap increase in season 1. They aren't going to make all the ships that you've bought over the last 4 years obsolete. Why? Nerdrage! Look at the reactions in this thread just from the mere suggestion that Tier 6 ships will do that. If they instantly rendered…
the gist I've gotten from announcements as been that rather then upgrading T5, the T6 ships will be balanced to be only slightly better in some form. Just like the VA Tier V ships were when that rank was added.
It's not JJ-Trek nor Nemesis. As Trek movies go, it's not the worst. Although the quick pace and the 90 minute length made it seem more like an episode of TNG then a feature film. What always bugged me was that they cut over half an hour out of it. Why? It would have been a much better movie if it were a full two hours.
That still doesn't really answer how your idea helps PvP. Harder STFs won't make people try to work better as a team, they'll just make people not play STFs, or worse, make people stumble through them like idiots and make them even harder for the rest of their team, just like they do now. How else exactly would this help…
yeah, my understanding is they were exploiting a glitch in the tailor system that's since been fixed. Also, any attempt to edit those costumes now will cause them to revert to the normal caitian appearance. The devs have said in the past that it isn't currently possible for alien characters to use the parts of C-Store…
if you got the accolade last year, then there's no need to talk to him this year. There isn't a new accolade. Also, did you try him during the day, I'm pretty sure he only gives hints during the day.
if you're after them for the marks, the monkeys are a better deal, just for participating in the race you get two tags, for placing you get more, whereas the eggs are hit and miss. Even if you don't place in the top 3, you get enough tags in 3 races to get a monkey.
Don't bother with anything more then the standard floater. You should have plenty of time to complete the courses without the speed and maneuverability boosts of the superior ones. It's not like the powerboard race where you kinda do need a better board in order to compete. That being said, I've heard that the better…
What they said about the flags during the winter event was that due to lag a traditional "cross the finish-line" mechanic wouldn't work properly, but I agree, this isn't the best solution either, especially since it's so hard to control those hoverboards precisely. My only major issue is that during the daytime, it is too…
Originally, it wasn't supposed to take the holographic changeling (in fact, the mission took it back when you left the holodeck) but people complained because they couldn't turn in that changeling too, so cryptic had to change it.
unfortunately, this is absolutely true. Look at the forum complaints we got in the past when an FE required any sort of reasoning skills, like the puzzles or the math equations, heck, people couldn't even figure out how to fly their ships through the loops in the mission where you had to slingshot around a star.
splitting anything is going to adversely effect the apparent population. Not many people used the old club 47, if the lounges were split it would look like even less people are in there. I think Taco has the right idea on this design.
if you're planning on spending $15 a month on zen anyway, I would just keep your subscription going. You still get $5 in zen every month in stipend, and you don't lose any of the features you already have.