Except her Mother wasn't a citizen of THAT Federation, she was from a different timeline, and letting Sela get away with that stunt sets a totally insane precedent
Full set of vendors (inc fleet) doof mission givers, and other support staff (eg ship repair + doctor) all the veteran reward contacts the mission contacts who are there working as themselves Q or the ilk when there is a Event putting them on ESD/Qo'nos/New Rom fleet mark turn in, equivalent to 40% normal value of fleddits…
because his mobile emitter isn't capable of surviving in Y-class atmospheres? the Doctor's 29th century model might, but the 25th century models the other MKI's get don't 1) the EMH was designed as a supplement to assist medical staff, not a Doctor in its own right 2) as a mechanical feature because his buff is a variant…
The federation wouldn't give them the tech, but the might have upgraded the Baxial with them, which makes sense given that it was used as an auxiliary ship a few times
so make crafting lockbox weapons dependent on something from the lockboxes it might (slightly) increase sales in attempts to get the best mod combos on them
personally, i'd like it to get crafting mods on lockbox (or Rep) weapons, and maybe a catalyst that forces a fleet mod onto the weapon and i think the weapon box makes more sense (and is fairer, have you seen the price difference on BAs and turrets to single cannons?) than the specific weapon, or a project to grind the box…
The Voth control the door to the Solanae Sphere and have a fleet on both sides The hole that used to be Jenolan's door is in easier reach of the Jouret Gateway, and there are 40 years of established Starfleet facilitys on both sides of the door a bigger issue is why the Republic thinks they have the most experience with…
the Kar'fi would look better in it with 4 adjustments 1) flip the delector so its slope matches the front of the ship 2) move the Nacelle wrap to hold around the ships spine 3) increase the size of the impulse engine to cover the vent (and also increase the size of both trails) 4) not have the 'deflector' hatches change to…
'Epic' as a renaming of the old 'Unique' category seems to have come down from the Soulless Minions of Orthodoxy the complaint is that the mod that is ADDED is random
I think there should be a bit wider range than just that Lock+Lobi ships but only where its sensible breen+ Jem'hadar consoles on the other(+ galor) t5 D'D on the adapted battle crusier t5 Daelh on the adapted destroyer elachi + adapted consoles on each other D'kora and Vet destroyers (and maybe Guramba, if it the javelin…
probably not, they have issused their threat and are waiting to see how we respond, if they make any appearance, it will be subtle machinations or attacks by servitors, not a big shows of power like Fluid Dynamics