I thought this could help: i just did my first STO using the button from the events tab (the one that's grayed out in the screenshot) and received (as you can see in the chat log) the 50 points for the campaign progress. I did some damage (as you can see i received some Expertise so i was NOT AFK). Still, the progress for…
I'd love the idea of a flying saucer-section...what about temporal incursions in the late 20th century? That would explain all those "ufo"s those humans saw.. :)
I have this same issue, and usually closing the client and restarting it "fixes" the situation, since reappearing in the very same zone shows everything correctly. I wonder if it's a memory issue, since it appears after a while playing..maybe the ram (or the video ram) runs out and the game can't "find" the textures…
Mah, in effetti, nessuno di quelli che ha scritto qua mi pare abbia problemi a giocare insieme ad altri, tranne questo sconosciuto che crea Wall of Text da asilo. Io personalmente gioco per divertirmi, con chi vuole fare lo stesso. Chiunque abbia voglia di fare casini invece di rilassarsi, personalmente non mi riguarda, in…
Ma no figurati, ? solo il post di una persona che probabilmente ha visto troppi cartoni animati. Se le persone si limitassero a giocare, invece di arrovellarsi il cervello paventando congiure e quant'altro, ci si potrebbe davvero divertire :)
I like very much the idea of expanding into the other quadrants. And completely agree on the "problems" that expansion could bring to a multiplayer game as well as to Star Trek "history". Speaking about races like Undine or Borg, we should note that we already fight them playing a FED or KLI faction. Maybe, a solution…