I find this massively entertaining. So leech, which is *not* a core mechanic (it's a special uni console from a mid-tier KDF ship that was released via lockbox to Feds) but was so overpowered that *every* DPS build had to have one, has been changed from an outlier of excessive proportions (the most powerful console in the…
Jeri Ryan for the few lines she did as Seven, because she felt like the same person she was in the show. The voice acting was spot-on, as was the writing. My top favourite, though, has to be Kim Rhodes reprising her role as Lindsey Ballard/Jhet'leya. She just comes across so natural. Her humor is smooth but believable, her…
First, it's not American English that you practice, it's just Bad English. Get better. Second, all of those iconic ships that got a revamp had endgame-level variants that the revamped parts could be used with -- and it has been stated that there will be no endgame Connie or Miranda. Call it BS or not, you are in the wrong.…
You will never get your wish, mate. No development money is going to be spent on re-detailing low-tier ships or redoing the interiors -- that much has been said before. Nor will there be an endgame Connie or Miranda. [Modded] Also, honestly, if tiny details like that matter that highly to you, it might be time to…
RomPlas used to change, prior to the upgrade system. Mk XI had a wider fore end, a scope, and a slightly larger body. It actually looked good. I miss it.
It doesn't always happen when you leave a character in the Winter Wonderland. Perhaps it has something to do with the instance your toon is in when you log off becoming inactive?
However, some damage types have more useful set bonuses than others. AP has the Ancient Omni beam and warp core, although that forces you into a pretty crappy core. Plasma has an excellent C-Store set, but it forces use of two consoles or cannon weapon types, and only certain Romulan ships. Phaser/Disruptor have the CC…
It should be noted that while you will see 18% less DPS coming from plasma consoles during FAW, during the time when FAW isn't active, you'll see your chances of it proccing go up 4x. My guess is that they chose 18% after testing because it's about a wash in DPS.
Buddy, a number of the mechanics you point out here have been the case since I first started playing in 2012. #1, #8... Also, this game hasn't been Escorts Online since A2B came out -- an ability that has since been surpassed so thoroughly as to make you seem tremendously far behind the knowledge curve if you still use it.…
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
And thank you for responding in a timely and effective manner. I'm loving this newer, more open communication deal that's going on, and I hope to see it continue moving forward. =)
Oh yeah, I forgot: Credit cap of 200k or 250k (less than what most important unlocks cost), and you aren't allowed to use the chat *at all* until level 10.
I'm certainly interested, though I can provide no particularly good reason why you should choose me over other candidates. *holds up a plate and mug* Coffee and bacon?
It's also possible he may have gotten it via referral -- I can't remember, but I think one of the perks of being referred by a subbed member is that unlock. You can also only purchase one inventory size upgrade as an F2P, which rapidly gets filled up; any more and you must pay CC. So much thrown in the free player's face.…
Actually, I just started up as an F2P player last week, and once I got my ship and tried to use the Cargo Hold, I was told that I could not unless I used Cartel Coins to purchase space. I realized today that I really hate TOR. There is no complexity to it, gameplay-wise. You don't get to pick skills, you only really need a…
This works fine on everything I've tried it on: Take the full old URL. Drop it in Google. Copy the title of the first result that shows up. Paste it into the search bar. Voila.
I just went through and did a search in the Path to 2409. The word Algeron appears once, in an unrelated item. Cloak doesn't appear at all. Phase doesn't appear at all. Okeg appears several times, but none of them have to do with cloaking or the Romulans.