Actually sometimes it doesn't. It is supposed to take you to the mission objective and sometimes it does not. Why would I want to transwarp to DS9 if I'm already at DS9?
I noticed that this patch did not fix the missing SPACE abilities that should show when you look at a BOFF (no, not commissioned ones). It also did not fix the missing icon for the KDF players for "Call Trade Freighter". It is still just a solid white box. It broke in the patch that changed the skills system.
What bothers me is that BOFFs that have NOT been commissioned, ie: On the Exchange or in the Candidates area, no longer show what their space abilities are. This happens on, to my observation, over 50% of the BOFFs. I want to be able to see what abilities are on a BOFF before I buy/use them. Why wasn't this fixed and why…
I deleted a lot of rare BOFFs from my candidates roster for this same reason. I could not drag them to put on Exchange and I wanted to get some Very Rares instead, but I had no room. I thought before that you could have hundreds of BOFFs in the "Candidates" section. I seem to recall someone in these forums saying they did.…
I'm wondering if somehow this promotion caused a bug. I'm not sure how but yesterday (before patch) a person in chat bought Master Keys from the C-Store and tried to sell them but couldn't. The keys were "Bound to Account", as I notice, so are the ones in this pack. Is this a bug that somehow affected some purchases of…
I have no qualms about spending 18k to warp, otherwise I wouldn't do it. I'm talking about being parked outside Deep Space 9 and buying the transwarp and spending 18k to be transwarped outside Deep Space 9, where I was already. That's what I'm objecting to.
I got another Kobali BOFF after running the mission again. I cannot commission her. I am guessing this is a bug since another toon was told "You can have only one of these".
My Caitian apparently jumped too high entering the electricity room. Captain Kim and I got stuck in an invisible floor above the action. I could walk all the down the room over the electricity but couldn't get down. I exited to my ship and went back and it started me at the beginning of the…
Haha, that's entirely possible. Well, maybe it won't be that helpful then. Maybe someone running it again can verify this, and if that's true, we can kill this thread.
Yes, I guess I should have added this is if you want to get through the maze as quickly as possible. Do you really get something for talking to the Tribble? I never noticed. {Edit} @dirlettia: On your suggestion, I modified the map slightly.
It seems scores are pretty much random depending on how the particles move. I get wide variances between 500 and 1900+ and I'm not suddenly getting worse and then better and then worse. Sometimes the particles all arrive at exactly the same time in all rows and is impossible to catch more than one.
Is this every time and how does this compare to the older system? I ask because I got several score 1600-1900 or so and didn't get anything but the one regular item, like yellow or red.
Made a new thread before seeing this one, so sorry, but I'll review: I was given an Omega mission to DS9 which is impossible for me to go to. I am a Romulan allied with KDF and I can't go through Fed space even with diplomatic immunity. This is no major thing for me because I'll just wait until I can go there, but I think…
Except the instructions for the cap increase are in error. I remember back when I was reaching the cap, I figured I should purchase the increase because I wanted to sell some master keys. I bought the cap increase and it instructs you to "logout" before it takes effect. Well, logging out means going back to the character…
^^ Exactly this. I recently entered a Borg STF for the first time ever and didn't really understand what I should do. I was killing stuff but another player just yelled at me and called me a noob. If you want better players in the game, help them, or keep your piehole closed.
How about: Instead of adding new features to collect more money, instead spend a month (longer if needed) rolling out fixes to the existing game so you can keep customers?
My #1 issue with the new patch is the losing of every ship on every character's skill bar setups and loadouts. The BOFFs are removed from their stations and I have to sift through all the skills again, put them back on the skill bar and then make another loadout. To make things worse, most of the skill icons are totally…
Yeah, what is this supposed to do? I got a new ship and nothing changed. Had to outfit it completely as well as BOFFs and skills. Please remove weapon skills from going to the hotbar area because they are already on another area and I hate having to remove them every time I change weapons. BTW, all the loadouts are broken,…
The BOFFs I have in my Candidates window (un-commissioned) do not show ANY space abilities, only ground ones. Am I to believe we now have to train BOFFs for any space abilities?
After this patch, every ship loadout on every character (six characters) all disappeared and I have to manually replace all my skills. The skills were removed from my skill bar and the loadouts don't work. I have to painstakingly create them again. Also, at least one of my toons no longer has an icon for "Call Trade…
Out of hundreds of boxes, I've only gotten one ship, a crappy Mirror ship that sells on Exchange for 190k. I guess the bright side is, if you open 200 boxes, you'll get enough Lobi to buy a ship from the Lobi store because you'll probably get around 900.
Can't buy Rank 3 manuals, can you? I hate the new system as well as the skills layouts. Too confusing. The older way was perfect. Aside from the fact that before it cost about 5 EC to train a BOFF skill, now it is 10,000 plus dilithium and some skills can't be trained, it seems. Before, I could at least train BOFFs with my…
Funny, the YouTube tutorial I watched was for a Borg mission on Elite. Here is a very Hi-Res shot I took of the STF window. It shows all the way to the end of the list. The top has a few unseen but it is ordered by skill so those are all Normal. I am level 53 with this toon.
I've not received any of those items. You have to be level 60 before you can make use of the Rep system? Become it appears that most of the items you can make require those extra things.
I think I'm about level 52-53 and there are zero elite missions. Aren't these required to get the items needed for Rep projects? I don't get any Borg neural items in the other STFs.
I wanted to name mine" Supercalifragilisticoespialidosus But seriously, why not fix real bugs like the ones that have been in since closed beta, like the messed up ship control key bindings? I would love it if the ship pitch and camera zoom controls were correct, but that would take a whole 5 minutes to fix.