Hope exploring da mystical corners of the universe looks appealing to you. A bit photoshopped here and there on the light and contrast.. and some blurs, but thas all!
Stick with the phasers, in my opinion. Chhiiuufff Chhiiuuuff. :cool: Instead of gravy, you might want to consider delta torpedo with the gel console AND some purple projectile active duty officers. I was using that gravy, but changed into the puple quantum delta torpedo that I think performs much better. You can remove the…
Can you go up in space and tell us whats your crit chance/severity numbers? A ratio between them is kinda important, as it was discussed many times. And have you tried using torpedos at all? I was using an avenger with 5 fore dual cannons last year, and decided to put a torpedo for a little variety. It actually had a…
Go tac or go home? Uhm, could you explain what you meant in more detail? Are you talking about pure dps making? Because its not really restricted to taccies as far as I can tell. Heck, you can get a trucklot of dps from science with exotic damages. Or you mean dps is the only thing that is considered when choosing a "best"…
Spam aint unbearable now, but in case it hits the fan, I would suggest Cyrptic the classic strategy of; punch a level requirement to type a message into zone chat. That would surely cut the spams by a lot. But... uhm, before you get any funny ideas, please dont make us buy "zone chat qualification" tokens for 250 zen..…
Sarr Theln, hands down. More bridge slots, more consoles especially tactical consoles from the start eh, more hull and yet more damage, more ship talents, it just lacks 1 fore weapon which aint really much. They both look terrible for my taste, but Sarr Theln is the better one. Stick with Sarr Theln.