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What is the Arc Client?
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eisaakaz Arc User



  • ..... welcome again heros of yesteryear to another exciting tale of Escorts Online!!! In today's thrilling story we will cover the need to turn cruisers into Escorts! Stay tuned for next weeks episode, Reducing hull and crew sizes of cruisers to make them more in tuned to the Escort format. Eisaak
  • I am not going to touch the Romulan faction at all in any way. eisaak
  • If you want things to be cheaper.... STOP SPENDING MONEY! It is that simple. As long as people trip over themselves to buy keys and drop real cash for dilithium, Perfect World will keep prices the same... and continue to offer less and less for what you spend. Later this year a lockbox might have some lobi or it might have…
  • I don't really agree with most of this. Perfect World bought a completely functional world that was paid for by players like me. They just called it F2P, stole my money (monthly memberships and then life time sub. They have nerfed many of my C-Store ships and consoles) and haven't done much with it since. 1. Added lock…
  • I disagree with him, lazy is not really the right word.... for one anymore, I see just as many real companies release TRIBBLE and then spend months in post production fixing their products. There are three factors that need to be looked at: 1. all applications game/"real" are driven by release date, not code function date.…
  • :) Good I am not trying to provoke you. I am trying to be funny because this whole post is ridiculous. Every gamer I know and hang out with be it this game or any of the others I am currently playing, everyone is married and has kids... some older than you. It looks to me like the OP is drunk and is trolling. Even you Pet,…
  • Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Way too many words. I was, like, "What?" And then I was, like, huh?" And then, well, I got a little bored and... Something about clutches? Anyway, I'll do my best. Ciao. Eisaak P.S. the fact that you still use the word "fail" automatically puts you in category 3. I am honestly and deeply surprised you…
  • This is 90% of your problem right here. This is like a crack head complaining that way too many people are hooked on Crack. I play a science ship and do fine in teams, I play a cruiser captain and my ships do just fine in all aspects of the game. The fact that you only play PVP says a lot about your builds and why you…
  • right. But for combat I don't like having to flip back and forth between bars. E
  • So i read the whole thing and here is what I translated from it. When I dedicate everything I have to DPS I can't get enough officers to do things like defense and heal. When I have a cruiser I don't get the same DPS I get out of my escort. My science ship doesn't do enough damage with the way I have it set up. Please just…
  • Sorry my bad I miss typed. I have 3 hot BARS and have to use a fourth for incidentals. Five buttons/slots per bar. Sorry about that. Eisaak
  • I have 15 hotbars myself and all 15 are taken up with Captain/console abilities. On most of my ships I have to use another 5 for incidentals, like fireworks, diplomatic immunity, and sector space speed boost. But I do watch a ton of really dumb youtube videos that show all kinds of jacked up setups. Eisaak
  • ummm you can right click on each weapon in the weapon tray (the default tray where they already sit) and it puts a green autofire border around them as well. No need to take up important tray slots. Eisaak
  • I also got a beta invite: "The third Beta Weekend for Neverwinter is coming, with more invites than ever! This is the first time that the Great Weapon Fighter, Pirates' Skyhold, Icespire Peak, Chasm and PvP will be available for the masses to try. Come and join us in an epic adventure through the Forgotten Realms!…
  • Please please please please tell me you are not taking that into STFs or PVP missions.... please. But to answer your question, no matter what you do you are going to be underpowered. You aren't getting the best benefit from your BOs. You aren't getting enough tactical slots to boost your weapons. I love the Exeter as well…
  • Depending on what keyboard you have the easiest thing to do is set up a macro that has a .5 to 1.5 pause between each beam fire. I am willing to bet since the 5 forward weapons is a new feature and seeing how poorly Cryptic handled the Andorian build in the first place, I doubt that the space bar all fire knows to check…
  • cool thanks Neoakiraii E
  • Thanks Brandon, but to just to clarify, you can't turn JUST that message off. You have to disable all system messages... and most are very helpful. I would hate to lose system reboot notifications. Is that correct? Thanks Eisaak
  • You can not turn it off. It is part of the gambling methodology that goes with the lock boxes. 1. They need you to see what you are missing. "HEY look at all the cool kids who got something you didn't" 2. It keeps the lock boxes in your face and on your mind. In fact many of the messages are automated. There is a certain…
  • I will second that. I would love to see the IDIC tribble come back for a week. I love tribbles, it seems they have moved away from them but I love them. So yes PLEASE bring back the IDICs for a week please. Love Eisaak
  • This is the only mission in the entire STO game that I say can't realistically be done with Pugs. This needs to be done as listed by others with no mistakes. Also, Until you get through the first group, I would really stay away from AoE Attacks of any kind. This is one where you need to control what is in-coming, not just…
  • NOPE! In fact I would say it is a silly reason to call anyone a name over. :) But I bet that is just the first part of the hell you release on anyone caught in that trap! and to be honest I don't disagree with you doing it.... just be happy that it is so mean that you actually TRIBBLE off other players! In PVP that is the…
  • I agree with this 100%. I have been playing since day one. I have every Zen Ship in the game short of two. I own several lock box ships and I have spent enough Zen on Dilithium to legally allow my wife to file for divorce if she ever found out. I use all universal consoles and I have never once been told I am a P2W player.…
  • And I am sick of over powered DPS monkeys who ruin PVE because they feel their DPS gives them a right to blow generators early, blow Tac Cubes then complain when the team can't handle the extra ship pops, and those who call in borg cubes then either avoid them or die and leave the rest of the team to deal with the fall…
  • there are different ways to play this game, which mans there are different ways to interrupt the meanings behind why things are the way they are. Here is my explanation for the ten slots (either Fed or Klink). I personally like to run five really good purple officers who do both ground and space missions. They are my…
  • LOL! I love it... this seems to be what every post reverts to by page 3. :) great response. Eisaak
  • If I remember right you are referring to positive and negative declination. And there are several times when it would be super helpful. Eisaak
  • I have only been to the CT a few times myself but I would also like to see it remain. I think the idea of moving all long term rewards there would be nice and I would also like to see it have some unique vendors for life time players. Say very rare purple console vendors..... we deserve it. It would also be nice if there…
  • Very cool, thank you. I have always loaded out all Tac spots with the weapon specific boost anyway but I always thought I got a little less with each one. Thank you for clearing that up. Eisaak
  • Are you sure about that? I have always read that as you load more, say plasma infusers, you get less of a percentage bonus. You still get an added bonus per console but it is not a direct percentage after the first one. So if you add 5 Mk XII purple plasma infusers you aren't really getting +150% (5 consoles X 30% ) energy…