Thanks a million for taking the time to look at my build, certainly lots of good ideas, it will take a long time to implement, as always money is the limiting factor.
Cardassian semi-faction, with story line and can choose either Fed or KDF alliance at lvl 30 (or whatevr level it is when you can join fleets) Story line based on reconstruction of Cardassia and a blooming insurrection led by surviving Obsidian order members, feeding on discontent by widespread poverty resulting and…
Ohhh..... don't get me started.... toon costumes of pirates, cat-girls, vamps and all the classiscs... holographic emitter ship "skins" that would make them look like "ghost ships" full of holes, plasma leaking, decrepit and rusted.... Bat mascots, jack o'lantern tribbles, flying brooms, et caetera.... It would be so much…
I've been saying it for ages. We need a Halloween event. With dark corridors full of Elachi, Pah-wraith revenants, Undine mindgames, Trellium-K junkie Vulcans and so on.
Like I said, haggling.... If we could get 9 slots for space AND 9 for ground, that would be swell and would not inbalance the game because that is what people do right now any way. It would only eliminate the annoyance of having to switch the trais one by one when switching between space and ground
So in principle we can't remove T-boy because of the storyline. How about using the storyline to get of him. Say, the devs could write an episode where he dies heroically by jumping into a singularity core and gets ripped apart by the tidal forces. He could even get a hero's funeral back in new Romulus. I'm sure a lot of…
.. a Cardie faction seems more doable.... It could be a semi-faction associated with either Fed or KDF, the same way Roms are right now. Story-wise it would be a lot of sense: Cardassia was after all devastated by the dominion war and as a former enemy would be under Fed/KDF protectorate. Dominion faction does not make…
Nah, I don't think so either. It's too petty. I believe they did it as they say to flesh out the story. And I find it hard to believe it would be too hard to have him become flushable once the main arc or even the nimbus arc is completed. But it is a relatively minor thing and therefore low in the priority list. I can only…
About the single best suggestion floating around in these forums. The question remains how many traits should be allowed in each bos, but it is just aa matter of haggling. Let's keep this thread up in hopes it earns the Dev's agreement and that is is implemented in S10.5
From the Merriam-Webster:2force verb : to make (someone) do something that he or she does not want to do : to make it necessary for (someone) to do something : to make (something) necessary I think #3 really describes the situation with our friend Toby.
Well it's really about the choice. You like him? keep him. You don't? dismiss him. You hate him? beam him to Q'onos with a sandwich sign "Khaless is my *****"
If there is one character I have truly hated on any RPG is Kaidan Alenko. But at least you have the satisfaying option of having him nuked... really nuked :)
a) She's a gal. Gets a pass b) SHE IS UNDUMPABLE??!!! DAMN I HADN'T REALIZED IT YET! ARGGHH! NOT AGAIN!!!! Please, please Devs, take pity, let us get rid of these turds!
I meant BOFF slots. You need to buy one extra if, for instance you plan to have, say 8 BOFFs all Reman, then you well need 8 +1 slots, because Toby wiil occupy 1 slot no matter what. Yeah, I could always use Toby... but may simply not want to. See, for some players a BOFF is BOFF is BOFF. As long as the stats are good, it…
The problem is mostly about being stuck with a piece of equipment you don't want. It pretty much forces people to buy an extra BOFF and one of the selling points of the BOFF system is customization. In other words, it's the lack of choice, rather than the choice itself that drives revolt. He is a good all-around, purple,…
The only upgrade he needs is a C4 block with remote detonator in his mouth We don't want him better, we want him GONE I propose a new thread: how would you like Thovan to perish? 1- Impaled on top of a Tholian captain 2- ... Please use your imagination (and vent your frustration)
I can see from here: Attention all Captains! The worst of our fears have come to be realized: Tribbles have evolved sentience! Nobody know how it happened. Rumors abound: A section 13 experiment gone wrong, tribbles passing into Iconian space, a fiendish ploy from the Mirror Universe, and many more. What is certain is that…
Costumer satisfaction is a complex parameter that in fact aggregates multiple factors, including quality AND price. Walmart costumers might be unhappy about quality but they certainly are happy about low prices. Since the pricing satisfaction outweights the quality dissatisfaction they could be considered, on the whole,…
No fallacy here, just commercial thinking. Happy customers remain and return, and they spread the word. Unhappy cutomers go to another company. Of course you cannot keep all customers satisfied all the time but maximizing customer satisfaction is critical to gain and retain market share. Of course I was not implying that…
No, that is exactly what I meant. companies exist to make money. In order to make money they need paying customers. In order to attract/retain paying customers, they need to keep them satisfied about the services/good they are providing, AKA "happy".
bluegeek, See what I mean? why do you feel the need to apologize for Cryptic? they are a company, they are supposed to do whatever makes their costumers happy. If they do great, if they don't that is THEIR problem let their PR deal with it. As costumer, by all means voice YOUR concerns/satisfaction but why do you need to…