Yeah, it's not just size that's in the equation. If you look at a Bentley Continental, it weighs nearly 3 tons. But because the engine, suspension and brakes are so well put together it still goes quickly and does it tidily. Conversely, a Robin Reliant, light though it is, only need look at a corner wrong to end up on it's…
The crew compliment surprised me too, but in all fairness, there's nothing to say it couldn't have a crew of 200. A Type 45 Destroyer's in the 200 people ball park, and that's no larger. In fact, considerably smaller.
To be honest, I think they should fix the feathering on the wings too. At no point as the K't'inga had big square plates on the wings. I still love mine, but seeing as how you can spend money on the K't'inga at Tier 3 AND tier 5, it should be fixed.
RCS accelerators can only go in engineering console slots. Things like the ship-set that enhances turn rate or the Tachykinetic convertor can sit in non-engineering slots, and then you can add in the RCS too. Yes you're more fragile, but you've also got battle cloak.
It's frustrating with the shuttles too. Ferengi shuttle... Runabout interior. Oddly, the Ferengi interior sans back room would be perfect for a shuttle. D'kora could use a bit more interior space.
Roll a new toon to start PVP. It's much easier to learn when there's less going on, and you're not likely to be so drastically outgunned by seasoned veterans. It's a more level playing field most of the time.
With the queues, if it gets to your spawn, as others have mentioned, it's unlikely in the extreme that the fight was going to be difficult for those who put you there. And since C&H needs the digits to drop rather than the enemy to 'splode enough times, it's quicker to just gun down the base defenses and massacre them…
More to the point, anything can be rendered phonetically in the Latin alphabet. Chinese names for example would use Mandarin/Cantonese characters, to say nothing of anything in Hindi, Arabic or Russian. Interestingly, that's why there's so many spellings of Mohammed in the Latin alphabet.
One solution would be to make the mission rewards non-rep specific like Azura. That way there'd be some variety if you were only in need of Nukara marks. Getting it for PVP would be nice in theory, but that'd probably lead to more AFKers than anyone interested in PVP. Unless it was tied to damage/heal output for each…
In all honesty, in spite of it not being an idea I'd personally like to see come to fruition, there's no real reason for it not to anymore. The D7 can be flown at full fleet ship grade. I know it's the K't'inga... but we have the D7 skin. Literally an older ship, and the TOS Enterprises opposite number in the KDF for the…
Regardless of it's in game effectiveness, we've essentially been given a speedboat as a ship with the flimsiest of pretenses. I mean seriously, what the heck?
They nerfed Devil's Choice? That was really awesome. And I did it in my D'D too. Kiting, killing, battle cloaking, repeating, guerrilla'd the whole fleet before taking out the lead ship. One of the best missions... nerfed. :/ Regarding why most people bump up the turn rate, it's just more fun to fly that way. But bear this…
The release of the Romulan fleet, and the fact everything can battle cloak with little penalty, is a bit of a slap in the face of the bird of prey. Without giving them something else (like a fith forward weapon) they're pretty pants. It's easily justified, most still only have three tactical consoles, and of all ships they…
The reality of the game is that after the T'Liss, you have to fly the class of ship you're given... if you want to purely fly Romulan ships. You have the Connie and the Cheyenne Fed-side, and KDF side there's the K'tanco and the K't'inga. Firstly, the K't'inga can be skinned out as a full on D7, which we've seen Rommies…
There is another reason though, if you've only got so many yards that can produce so many ships, it'd probably tempting to get something off the shelf to make up the numbers, like the D7. It'd be a nice touch if Romulans could have a skin on the D7 with the bird of prey decal... But if I get the urge, I can even use a D7…
Regarding the size of the ships compared to their counterparts, there's a fundamental gap in logic here: It seems that it's being generally assumed that ships will only ever be tasked with what we do with them in game. And thus one's being made bigger to do the same job. A large troop carrying capacity would make sense,…
D'D-birds are fine, they're just not escorts. Treat them accordingly and you've got all kinds of options, especially in the form of using CC in the additional science powers to make up for it's leisurely turn rate.
For science and cruiser I'd agree, but as far as escort goes, I think the Romulans have a wealth of options, many residing in the same hull. The only weakness in the flexible ships I can see is that some have the career focus on the ensign and commander slots, meaning you can end up with redundant powers if you make the lt…
There are a lot of threads on making something that turns like a wet bucket of TRIBBLE maneuver well enough to use DHCs in the Klingon ships section of the forum. This is one of the few cruisers that can rock APO and Aux2ID., DHC could be a stretch for PVP, but ought to be fine in PVE. Regarding what a D'deridex "should"…
Although a more flexible set up would be nice, I think if anything, the Galaxy's a good pointer to how cruddy low-tier engineering powers really are. Because hardly anybody uses anything but EPTS1 in those slots, they get almost no attention. A good question would be why does EPTS1 get to harden shields for the whole…
My Eng's ambassador is run as follows: 3 Phaser beam arrays, one photon torp fore n' aft. Ens Tac: TT1 Lt Tac: FAW1, FAW 2 or APD1 Cmdr Eng: EPTS1, ES1, RSP2, Aux2SIF3 Lt Eng: EPTS1, ES1 Lt Cmdr Sci: PH1, TSS2, HE3 I'm also using conn officers to take TT1 down to global, and have doffs for the torp attacks so it fires more…
Once the Dominion War kicked off, they became even more of a death trap than Oberths historically had been during TNG. I mean that ship existed so the Enterprise D had something to shake their heads and tut at because they'd been so unfortunate and screwed over so hard by events, i.e. space madness, swirly energy thing…