Sigh, was hoping this would be resolved bye now, got kicked twice Yesterday. Just got kicked again, thankfully it happened after I got my Reps going, but I need to play, 3 characters need marks for the next round. I got kicked in the middle of TFO. I don't want to be the d*ck the drops and leaves the team hanging, also not…
Then explain why I can skip threw "Midnight."(and others) Your reasoning is flawed. And if you're with friends doing stuff then most sensible people would say they'd want to watch it or whatever. And just because one person skips doesn't mean it skips for everyone, case and point "Borg Disconnected's" oping monologue with…
So what's the point of subscribing again? I mean if you don't get any Legit benefits for it? A Sub should at least get you access to you know an actually useful end game ship... Have to wait 2 months to upgrade a ship, is silly, but whatever, keep alienating your loyal player base, that's sure to end well...
My largest issue, is that this new upgrade system seems to be the ONLY viable way to get MK XIV gear of any quality (and I'll not say anything about the Tire 5U/6 ship silliness). Effectively defeating the purpose of running challenging End Game instances in the first place. The system is backwards. In just about every…
Just going to cover my bases here. I added you to my friends list and sent you an in-game mail. Hopefully I'll cross paths with you while you're online. If not, reply to my in-game mail with your Characters name (you need both Captain-Name and @-Handle to invite to Fleet) and I'll invite you and you brother.
The Head/Neck Spots do not connect with the Torso's spots, which wasn't an issue in the past, but now that there are SO many different Outfits that expose the upper chest it has become one. Just take a look a Trill is say, the Miner top, or the TOS Tunic and you'll see what were all saying.
Yes, I agree, and I hope they realize what they NEED to do before its too late. I mean I'd have quite the game myself, if not for my Lifetime membership that I bought back in the Beta days, the game just feels less "Trek" with every passing Update. As for the ships, the sooner they realize a "Captain's" ship should be more…
It does seem to be slower when rerouting to a specific facing. That said I do have 2 shield distributing key-binds set up on my mouse. Right-Click for Distribute Shield Strength (Evenly) and Middle-Click for Distribute Shield Strength Forward. I find that those 2 keep my shields stable whenever I don't have the Tactical…
Really..... Beam Turrets would "Definitely unbalance things?" You do realize that EVERY Romulan and Klingon ship, have the use of Dul-Cannons (not counting small craft) but only 1/3 of Federation ships do, with the exception of ONE cruiser (Galaxy Dreadnought) and ONE science (Vesta). Lets not even get into the Sing powers…
I totally agree, I'd like this not only for the performance and build options it would add, but also for the simple fact that I find the current turrets aesthetically unappealing. Especially on Federation escorts (well any Fed ship really), honestly I think cannons of any kind look silly firing out out any Federation ship…
The application of the Holographic ship skill in the game makes sense, Voyager was able to generate Holo-Talaxian ships, they didn't do any damage because the tech was only thrown together in about 10mins and was about 40 years in the past from where the game is tacking place, where Holographic tech was still developing.…
Yes, however unlike Thalaron weapons, the other stuff is not Universally Banned by both the Federation and KDF, which is made clear IN GAME through cryptic written story. Look I get its a game and that there are a lot of discrepancies in STO regarding what would and would not be in the Shows/books/Movies. So I refer you…