i can also confirm this bug still exists, logged on with my normal klingon character and all he sees on the agent in qo'nos is the delta rewards option, no temporal option at all
this is still not fixed and we still can't claim the ships. nothing n the patch notes today about it either. any news on this or did cryptic just decided to not give us the ships we earned?
we still have the problem claiming the ship, this is months later and still no word if they are even working on it. we did the grind now give us what we earned!!
hi here are the 2 pictures: in this you can see that i have the dyson ship from the event on the character who completed it here on a different alt you can see that even though i unlocked it, in the reclamation store it is still disabled and cannot be claimed
correct @qziqza, i am in the same situation exactly, apart from the alt i actually completed the project on no one else of my alts can claim it, and i was so excited to actually complete it after 2 years and claim my first event ship ever and this happened :disappointed:
hi darkbladejk, tx for posting about this. when i'll get back to home from work today i'll be sure to put some screen shots, do you need screenshots for all my alts ( i have 3 besides the one that finished the event) or is it enough if i just post a screenshot of the one that has it and one of my alts that can't claim it?…
semalda226, i'm not sure what you mean. did you meant that you completed the rep project on 2 characters before it unlocked it for you on everyone? if that is so that is not an option for me since i only had the rep project on the one that i finished it on.
same problem here, i finished the dyson ship rep event on my fed today but when i switched to my rom klingon it wo'nt let me reclaim it from the event store, even waited a couple of hours but no change
couldn't agree more with what you said. this is why i stopped playing sto now, i'll wait until next patch and try it then if the problem persists i'll wait again until next patch to try sto again. i refuse to play any more a game that i can't even play more than 30 minutes straight now.
your'e not alone there , every time i play for the last week i get this after a few map transfers to sector space, it's become so bad i can't even play more than half an hour tops without this happening to me and still no word from the devs about this and it's just keeps getting worse and worse
this is still happening , and it happens every time i play, did anyone else is encountering this? maybe it's time to stop playing sto for a while, the devs obviously don't give a damn about this game. this is a game breaking bug that's been going on what, for months now?
i can confirm this also. on all my alts, from all factions this is broken, been this way for ages now. opened multiple bug calls on it and still nothing is done. the mission is supposed to automatically update when you finish the mission in the corresponding zone, but no matter how many times you do it it won't progress.
i can confirm this too. i did the area mission indicated today and it won't acknowledge it as completed. this has been going on for several issues now, i opened bugs on it before and now but it's not even listed at the known bugs section.