Hi there. Thanks for your responses. No I'm not using the key bind tool and I have tried the camera options to no avail..I will try a cache clean but am not sure how to do that!!!! (sorry)
Thanks tactical, it's frustrating when friends tell me they can't find my fleet and of course means that other players can't see it to join but I guess there's not much I can do about it. Cheers
I have had a couple of friends try to search for our fleet but they have been unable to find us in the fleet search. I have also cycled through the "find fleet" tab of the social section but have also had no success in seeing our fleet. The "hide from fleet search" and "hide fleet search member list" boxes in the…
Thanks for all of that information wisecasper. I guess my biggest question is how do I know which, if any, fleet to join? I've read various fleets stats but that doen't seem to help me decide!
So how would or should I know which, if any, fleet to join? I know this next question has many variables but how many fleet credits would the average player earn daily or weekly? I have 4000 but I'm getting that it takes a lot of fleet credits to be able to purchase things from a fleet store. Andlastly (for now lol) what…
Wow, a lot to think about and of course before any of the above is of concern, there's working out which one to join in the first instance. I guess I'll keep plodding along and all will reveal itself...well at least I hope it does!!!
Thank you both for providing me with some 'food for thought' regarding being in a fleet. I get several invitations to join fleets whilst I am playing but have thus far declined them all. I very much appreciate your thought and sharing your own experiences. Cheers
Would you mind if I indulged you for another question? (it's totally cool if you don't have the time or inclination to answer). I've been playing since the beginning of March (this year) and I'm not in a fleet. Is there benefit to being in a fleet? I don't mind being a team player but I prefer to do things in my own time…
Thank you, thank you, thank you...that absolutely did the trick. I've been waiting on support for over 24 hours with no response at all, not even to acknowledge receipt of my ticket. Your help has been very much appreciated. Cheers