I had a few inprogress missions from all around STO. I was playing the Delta rising episode chain and got to Kobali prime and I played all the content available for lv 53. So I was doing some found missions and I was completing one that I started and now came back to. <<Infiltrating the Infiltrators>> SO when it completed…
I was leveling my Rom Tac captain and was equipping all Romulan Rare Plasma weapons from the DIl vendors. I wanted to buy level appropriate updates such as MK VIII Piercing Plasma Rifle which to my knowledge never drops anywhere and if it does folks aren't selling them. It doesn't appear you can craft this weapon either. I…
Well I am glad you like it but now I have to play around in the tailor to get my away team to look the way I want or put up with the broken immersion. It also appears that the patch deleted the majority of my saved Outifts I used to load in and out of my toons and it depresses me That if I want them back I have to play…
I dont like the changes. I preferred it to have the Boffs showing off my hand me downs. Wjy did they change it anyway. To sell more Outfit slots? Dont like it.:mad:
I just want to express my gratitude to those Foundry authors who have taken the time to tell Star Trek stories. Many of my favorite moments of STO occured while playing these Player created missions. For example the dialog at the the Climax of the currently spotlighted "Sword of the Kuvoh' Mogh" is hilarious and tongue in…
So I had to go out of town for a few days to attend my Uncles funeral. I saw on the News blog that the event had been extended to August 5th and I spent lobis and opened boxes to catch me up so I could just make it and I find that teh Dev blog said AUgust 4th and it is shut off. So I missed it for the lack of 40 pearls. I…
I appreciate you guys chiming in. Don't you get a Quest to speak to your admiral etc? I got promoted in battle I was disconnected from and when I logged back in no quest. I went to see D'Tann but I am not allowed to talk to him. I think something is glitched.
Harsh....It hasn't anything to do with the large influx of new players the return of lapsed players and the scope of changes they implemented? Its Devs and techs to blame! No other explanation right? I work in IT and everyone wants to blame the firemen for all the fires they go around putting out. Not fair I tell you. So…
US Players are in same boat you are Pal- I don't knwo what you are talking about. Stop hating.It has nothing to do with what nationality you are. Your complaints are legitimate, but they are the same ones US players have.
Didn't the Narada do a number on the KDF Armada as well as Starfleet? Also those wondering where the other Starfleet ships were.... Commanded by Junior officers who might know the fiasco was related to Adm Marcus's policies and that their CO is dead because of Marcus's Pet Augment. Wouln't wonder they might keep their head…
Your suggestion is very much like a vingette out of Horatio Hornblower (one of the inpirations for Gene Roddenberry btw) I would have you not only rescue your own landing party and the Ship but have A SPace battel where you Repair the shi[ just in time to intervene and save your orginal starship as well. Your Captain (who…
Sounds like they are getting some good particpation which I am sure is helping them plan for the launch. I think that occasionally the launcher can't provide your queue position and puts some placeholder data in there instead and then recalculates and provides true queue position. I also doubt they are applying perks the…
The thing I hate most about Lobi is that its an item in your inventory and is subject to discard. I accdentally dragged a stack of 141 Lobi out of my inventory and because of a weird finger fumble confirmed the deletion. Lobi should not appear in inventory it should be like GPL (or better yet just have GPL be the currency…
Has anyone had a resolution to this issue? I notice my overlay is missing since the last patch and I think that coincides with not being able to purchase Zen.