If my upgraded T5 ships are not EVERY BIT as good as a T6 ship then I am done with this game. They do not need to have exactly the same features as a T6 ship, but it better not be possible to objectively point to the differences and find that they don't stand up. If the T6 ships have shiny new ship abilities that they…
He must have pulled the video. I watched it from his link earlier, and the link gives unavailable as well as trying to go back through my video history.
Oh I understood the point of having them get better as an incentive to keep them alive, but my point is that this is a thinly veiled nerf on top of a non veiled nerf in the form of preventing relaunches. I do not disagree with stopping the relaunches as that always seemed a bit like glitching the cool downs, but fixing…
The more I think about this, the more I come to the conclusion that the ranks are reversed to how they should be. Pets should fly out of the hanger fresh and ready for combat. Pilots are rested, weapons are fully loaded, ship is fully fueled and ready to go. The longer they spend out there the more fuel and weapons they…
Neither of the reasons you mentioned for relaunching pets are going to be viable. The only way to be able to 'spike' is to let them die or not launch them until you want the spike. That said, when they fix docking, you will be able to recall them and then spike the whole lot by giving them the attack command. As for the…
I have tested 1 hanger of the Elite Scorpions directly vs 1 hanger of Jem'hadar attack ships (bug ship, not the fighters) running my third hanger officer and the jem'hadar ships came out ahead. To be fair this was against a shielded target, so the anti proton sweeps, while not extremely powerful, did play a role. The…
The following is my build for strictly PVE content, I have a bug ship to handle pvp Deflector/Engine/Shields: Jem'Hadar Space Set MK XII Fore Weapons:* 3x Phased Polaron Beam Array MK XII [CrtD]x2(Very Rare) * 1x Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo Launcher Aft Weapons:* 3x Phased Polaron Beam Array MK XII [CrtD]x2(Very Rare)…
You are 100% right about a dps tracker not telling the whole story, heck even a fire at will beam boat that does low damage, but never stops doing it would look awesome in a dps meter while being a nearly worthless addition to a team. The problem with the OP is that it falls into a mindset the world seems to be getting…
You see a reference to the new shared 'global' cooldown between the two consoles. When you trigger one, it is 30 seconds before you can trigger the other. They each keep their 3 min individual cooldown.
First off, I parse in close to real time while playing STF's with the plugin for ACT. Secondly being able to both see my own numbers and compare those numbers to those of people around me has been a major help in tweaking my build rather then either using a cookie cutter build or just throwing on those 'pretty' beams and…
I am fine with the 8k per day cap, but could we please combine the days into a 56k per week cap. Same amount of Dil, but I won't feel like I am being ripped off if I have a busy day and can't make room in it for video games.