Now, do understand that I haven't played in a while. Attended last year's winter event and of course had computer issues after words. Now, I play Fed, Rom, and KDF. I don't take allegiance to either side. That said, for most the time of my KDF times, the Vo'Qov Carrier was the best sci aligned ship you can get. However, it…
Experience so far with the Rom testing. Enjoyable traits of the expansion: ☻The Hud is friendly to the eyes and allot more enjoyable/user friendly. ☻Dispite having to power read the subtitles of the videos. The story arc is quite interesting. ☻The clothing looks good, though some of them do have clipping bugs. ☻The…
would said issue be that you post dil up for a price offered and it stays there for days and you can't remove it whatsoever? Yea i had that glitch... still trying ot find a way around getting either the zen or my dil back.
Gota think man, all these 'kids' complaining are people who live on STO. I may not have a life due to a medical condition but at least I understand the problems going on. I spent 25 minutes waiting on mirror, got bored and went to do bobo. Glad i did after hearing the bad dnews abou a family member... needed the laugh. Not…
Depends, me and a few fleeties on the KDF side was bold and did Dig Elite with only 4 people 2 per group... took us 20 minutes to complete, but we have the satisfaction to say its possible.... ain't coming out without a few injuries though. But hey whats a game without a challenge?