I've always wanted there to be more ship interior stuff, but the devs have long hidden behind their circular argument of "We won't work on interiors anymore because nobody uses them, because we won't work on them."
Having the same problem. Game freezes while changing maps and then i have to restart because it won't shut down. It's making the game virtually unplayable.
I can't tell you how insanely annoyed I would be if they went a personal starbase route before revamping ship interiors. You really shouldn't need any kind of player housing as your ship is supposed to fill that role though devs have set up a nice circular argument as to why they ignore it.
Why do people ask for the stupid ARGO? It was the lamest, most backward thing ever forced into Star Trek and that says a LOT. Oh we've got transporters, shuttlecrafts, runabouts. Why not use a mode of transport that's less efficient in every way? This game does not need mounts in any way shape or form. Go check out…
I'm sorry guys but line up the basic t5 Avenger to the new t6. Are they the same stats? Same price? Same consoles? No? They aren't the same ship. buy the new t6, you'll get a discount on the fleet t6. Expecting to get a discount just because you bought something similar is just naive. Now the fact that they introduced t6…
Most of my thoughts have already been expressed, but one last little nitpick: Why is T'Ket still wearing damaged armor and waving around his stump? I would think that with all their "supior" tech they'd have prostheses. Even lacking that, you'd think he'd have some spare armor pieces laying around.
Radiant simply means bright or shining. Any color can be radiant. Besides even if we did associate radiance with yellow, it doesn't explain why thoron infused poleron are yellow too. As I said before, I wouldn't even mind the beams to have yellow accents. To be honest I didn't even really mind the thoron pol beams being…
There are plenty of sources, but I wouldn't call it easy. One of the PvE only ever seems to pay out in the teens even though it takes just as long to complete as the others even when you have a good team and the kobali missions usually give me less than 10.
My thought process was that even though most of the missions aren't directly linked to the overall story, by making them a full arc it would give the player more experience to build upon in getting to Delta. That xp grind was pretty brutal starting at lv 50. As of the end of Breen my DR is about 53 and by the time he gets…
The armor is hideous, but all the bells and whistles look cool. i think the other rep gears are going to need some love, though. This set seems to outmatch them all.
While I think the Aquarius Bridge should probably stay exclusive, could we maybe unlock the actual Oddyssey bridge? Before the uninformed start making fools of themselves, the Oddyssey bridge was included with the free or fleet varient. It is a lot more nuetral and would fit other vessels just fine.
That's funny because I could have sworn that I was having fun and Cryptic just made some money off be by providing a product (ship) that I found interesting and have fun playing with. How do I earn points? I play the game. Missions, STFs, Foundry, Alerts, DoFFs, etc. I get on, play a while, and I get points while I do it.…
I'm excited for the new map, but I'm wondering if this change will finally mean that more engines or even warp cores besides the MACO and Borg will get advanced warp. Here's hoping.
The only problem with this theory is that all of these things are functions of deep space exploration vessels like the Oddy. True, I wish they would finally revamp the crew system
The upgrade doesn't add the consoles, it only adds the mastery, improved hp/shield, and another console slot. You have to buy all 3 versions to get the power consoles. Personally, since you can't use the powers simultainiously, i never found the synergy they have to be worth the space.
This really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. there are, granted problems with the current leveling system and stae of the game, but this was an exploit that was bound to be hit sooner rather than later with the crowds around Argala.
I'd love to see more done with ship interiors. Things like more customization, and for God's sake, the ability to place my BOffs where I want and more things to do. Maybe special daily missions or something like that.
I'm going to be totally honest. All the complaints about xp are utter nonsense and whining. Most of the people complaining are playing straight from 50. Well have any of you considered what happens when you play with a new character? You can easily hit 50 before going through half of the story content in this game. With…
Honestly, I have an issue with the APU's. In the series, they were already on the verge of extinction due to the inability to reproduce. The Report says they still lack the ability and are still fighting between the two factions. Shouldn't they have wiped themselves out by now? They certainly shouldn't be able to handle…
While this sounds neat and I'm probably in the minority, I'd almost rather they push things back or hold off on this until they flesh it out with other options first.
I don't believe the borg were created by Starfleet, but the threat of them was indeed created by a freak accident in Starfleet. In TNG, Q whipped the Enterprise deep into unexplored space where they encounter the borg for the first time. As they are hive minded, the encounter became known to collectives that were closer to…