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dragonkata81 Arc User



  • A large hole in your arguement... Transwarp. An Omega detonation renders sections of space 'impassable to warp travel', basically either eradicating subspace in a wide area, or turning it into a massive, riotous storm impassable by 'normal' warp drives. (40k reference anyone?) The Borg have transwarp, capable of crossing…
  • She is a beautiful ship, seen from above she looks like a giant com-badge in space. She was the first ship I bought and she is truely a formidable beast once you get used to her. Handling and piloting is the biggest issue, she has a low turn rate (5) and a high inertia. Controlling your 'planet-slide' is key. Pilot spec…
  • Your proposals wouldn't breathe any life back into the queues... but they would kill STO dead. DR and its changes annihilated the player-base, driving off vast crowds of low-end and mid-teir players. This had a direct impact on the already strained relationship many players had with the STFs, and those players who remained…
  • It's already been confirmed that the new series will not be touched, at least at launch, by CBS Productions/Paramount, the ones who are responsible for the new "movies" (lean heavily on the quotations.) It is being developed completely by CBS's television team, for television, by people who have experience in television.…
  • That be $5 in your local currency yes? That could be $10 or higher in some places where STO can be played. Not so much of a disposable income once you lose the homefield advantage.
  • Any revamp of Exploration would be a massive project, but it would be one worth investing in. Right now STO has a serious retention problem, large swathes of players either log on for the new content, burn through it and leave, or log on for 5 mins, doff/admiralty, switch characters/log off. There is simply nothing for…
  • See, you're already falling back into the trap of a closed system. A Exploration Campaign world, as you currently propose, will at some point end. The campaign will be done, the reward earnt, the player bored...and we are back to the current situation. The colony development should be a story unto itself. A player should…
  • I agree that taking things to the level of something like Fallout 4's Settlement system would be too much to ask for. Colony development would need to be limited to probably just a few layouts, for ease of repair as you said. You could have a Tac/Strategic layout for example, placing more emphasis on listening posts, guard…
  • Trade is something I hadn't considered. Back before the Admiralty system went live, I was considering a proposal that reintroduced traders to the Sector Space map. They'd roam from planet to planet, and depending on where they were, they'd have a variety of things to sell, from VR crafting mats to discounted resources like…
  • 3000 would be a good starting point though, that's 3000 less maps you need to generate. Although I'll admit the ground maps would definately need some work. And given the interactions needed, yes this whole system would need to be built from the ground up, whats more important is the systems depth and longevity. STO is…
  • I completely understand the use of the button, I was simply trying to find a suitable location on the current HUD at the time. In my experience, most players use the keyboard command (default v)for scanning, rather than the HUD button. However, everyone has their own layouts they are familiar with. Something I'd be less…
  • Your DPS rant has no bearing on anything in the thread, the OP's question, and further more...is also wrong! While canon builds may not top the charts, they also are far from pitiful. I've seen some phaser builds on Reddit that top 70k. In addition, do you think those who want to play the 'immersive style' are going to be…
  • The problem with the Fleet dil sinks is that: a- they don't reward enough for player investment. Short of lobi, dil is the most valuable resource in game and parting with it needs to be just as rewarding. b- a large number of Fleets, especially older, well established ones, are finished. Some have even completed secondary…
  • The word you are probably looking for is 'purist' rather than role player. They want the ships, action and immersion to be as lore friendly as possible, but they don't necessarily want the drama/effort required of a full roleplay group. I have one Fed character who I run as a 'pure' build. He uses a Fleet Guardian, full…
  • Not enough Tac...not enough Pew-Pew... And this statement right here is the reason why the Rom and Klingons aren't getting Carriers. Because too many stupid players think like this...not enough weapons slots, no tac powers...ship sucks. So the bean counters at PWE shoot down anything that won't sell like hot cakes and we…
  • Bought two bundles, missed the T6 the first time, grabbed them the second when they put up the 75 bundles that got canceled. Thing is...I already have every T6 in the bundle. Mirror Guardian was the only new T6 ship I picked up. So why would I buy twice? Because its a great charity cause, it offered really good value even…
  • Fellow Sci Captain here, and to be perfectly honest I've gotten tired of CARRYING all the damn tacs in this game. Numbers simply don't reflect the key roles a strong Science character can bring to an STF. Well-timed Grav Well in ISA? Try completing the optionals without one. Stripping the buffs from the ENT? How many of…
  • The Atrox was the first ship I fell in love with, ground out the zen from Captain to Vice Admiral to get her (fighting Admiral level enemies with Captain gear hurt but it was worth it.) She still had all Mk XII equipment and can make 30k DPS even after the pet nerf. Yes she turns like a planet, but with some planning you…
  • Foundry missions are clogged with arbitrary limitations dumped on content creators, such as dilithium reward vs time, exp/loot limit, even map count and asset limit. The biggest problem facing Foundry creators is working around these limitations. For example, I have two Foundry missions, both currently in the Top 3 for…
  • If you look in the boff skills tabs, you can see many of the new skills have a small symbol over them. Mouse over it and it'll most likely say 'contained in a lockbox.' Cryptic has decided to add another paywall.
  • The endothermic also has an additional hold chance, freezing the foe in an ice block. Damage resist debuff and hold make up for the dps reduction I believe the exothermic also only gains a stun/hold when boosted by the Risan geologist from last years Summer Event
  • The Foundry Spotlight has gone the way of the rest of the game, strong-armed to be what Cryptic want. If you look in the Foundry tab, the first sticky will be a Foundry mission comp, usually something tied with an event, the last one was Mirror Event, this one is New Years 2409. The mission that wins will be the only…
  • Thank you everyone for your continued support of The Dragon Hunt, I am overwhelmed by your support and encouragement. Season 9.5 required me to under-take a small update, but hopefully with this, I can move on to the next project. The Dracothians will return! Mission Updates: V 1.1 - Crewmen and contacts updated after…
  • Captain Sub: Negotiations seem to be going... well? Ship Sub: Orig. Sized Images http://imgur.com/OOt4iIY http://imgur.com/lgi82Eb
  • Ashkrik, As promised I have returned the favor and played through your entire Scars Arc. While I am no reviewer (please forgive me if I sound like an insensitive jerk below:(), I have listed everything I found below, including what recommendations I could think of, to hopefully inspire you further! :D Scars of the Pride 1…
  • Personally, I found the hardest part was getting the mission off the Review board and onto the regular Foundry board. I was lucky to have several supportive Fleet members who devoted a chunk of their own personnel time to fault find and review. Generally, I believe that this method, close companions who understand your…
  • Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback and suggestions, just a quick line to let you all know that The Dragon Hunt has been updated! Mission Updates: V 1.0 -Mission ending changed, hopefully now a smoother, more satisfying conclusion. -Kyras visual FX have been updated -A slew of spelling and grammar issues corrected.…
  • Reposted from my original thread, completely forgot to place a copy here!
  • I am coming to realize that STO has some of the most supportive and generous players/fans out there, tucked away behind trolls and the 'doomsayers'. I'd like to thank khreg, ashkrik and greendragoon for their excellent reviews and feedback. (I'll admit greendragoon, the first time I saw your post and listened, I bounced…
  • Thank you so much for your as always excellent review. I am constantly astonished that people appear think so highly of this mission, it has been a very humbling experience. I shall definately investigate the animation issues and try to get them sorted out. I would also like to put a few issues raised out for comment in…