So today I got my latest email from cryptic with their brilliant problem solving ideas...."you may just have to wait and try again later." took every ounce of self control not to scream at my computer.... When originally searching for this problem I found that Neverwinter players had it like a year or so ago.
just jumped back in here to see if the crash issues were fixed for you guys...I have found that along with all of your tickets anyone running on a sat connection can no longer play as of season 8, we all were able to play just fine before. Dunno if they are related but don't really think its a coincidence.... If branflakes…
I've gotten some troubleshooting emails from them but now that I think ive tracked it down to the Sat connection I hope they can figure out what they did with season 8 that stopped sat connections from being able to connect, because after almost 3 years of playing this just fine on a sat connection I am not going to buy…
I get that I was in the other forums for crashing until I realized no-one else had my ticket #. I have wildblue also and had no problems until season 8. Also had my laptop along on vacation to do the updates without using my bandwidth, logged on and it worked today at home same crashing problem. So glad I'm not alone...sad…
Oh ive filed a ticket, and im beginning to think it is a separate issue...but Im hoping that its just something I have to change in my computer It was in the shop two weeks and the day I got it back was when all these crashes started...I really don't want to find out its ANOTHER problem with S8.
well the more I look into this the more im ticket is 14178516..apparently no one has had this ticket except me and people playing neverwinter like 9 months ago. The neverwinter forum said it was a firewall issue stopping the game but shutting it off or setting allowances doesn't seem to help. anyone have any…
So I haven't seen anyone else with the ticket I have but I find it odd that it crashes in about the same place as everyone else, and never happened before I downloaded the season that shall not be named.
yeah I feel special I googled the ticket number apparently my ticket was a problem in neverwinter....back in may. however there didn't seem to be a fix and even if there was its the wrong game.
It said Fatal Error: Unable to initialize on demand patching and connect to patch server the connection ws idle for too long I get that after it crashes at the cryptic screen...ticket 14178516
I have to check it on a different computer so ill do it in the morning...I did however send that information along with my ticket so hopefully they will figure it out as well...
I wondered about my hardware to begin with also, and i guess i never asked to see if anyone else got a timeout error before the crash to desktop at the cryptic screen?
As I'm reading everyone's posts I was thinking, when the next crash happens and lasts more than an hour, and people start WTFing we will all be going "you weren't there for the season 8 crash, back when we had to post on forums and wait for devs. Not to mention walking up hill both ways to school everyday." Nonsense I…
I don't even get to the legacy of Romulus screen I get to the cryptic screen then it freezes and tells me it cant connect to the patching server and has timed out...then it crashes. Ticket#14178516