I still think the two most bothersome things are: 'Returning back to 2410) -> I'll repeat myself imho it should be 2415 according to the blog/Post war thing that the actual war took 5 years. Even if you consider the time before that it would be at least 2411 if not 12. The other thing is that by canon ships aren't being…
It was a dev blog, even featured on the main page back then. Possible, but then one of the Post war stories wouldn't make any sense at all, namely the one with Quinn and his assistant. Plus new ship development and building would also go way to fast. The Nameship of the Yamato class was launched some month's after the war,…
I found a time paradox too... The story was moved to 2410 a while ago, after that the iconian war took place which supposedly lasted for five years. - Thus by the time of the episode it would be 2415. Yet Kal Dano says 'Returning us to 2410'
Yes and i was referring to to a theory another user posted earlier on, which stated that she just pretends that the ships are getting out slower - so I don't really see why I should re-read.
About that theory that the Klingon ships are actually out of the docks faster than the orion told us - i kinda doubt it. After all the Q'nos got sieged a lot earlier in the war than earth, and all the troop transporters we saw were KDF vessels. Compared to the attack on earth there weren't even Romulan or Federation NPC…
If you know how to use them they are. Point is the romulan faction has something no other faction has and is now crying out to get the exact thing the other factions got as compensation Romulan greed? Edit: Furthermore... ALL romulan ships can use singularity abilities. Only a few non romulan can use Command powers though.
Its Kinetic beam from the deflector dish and a mini deflector being mounted on the lance (Saucer separation) Other than those strane hardpoint placements I love my Yamato though.
Its not the only bug it has. Check the Non- Fleet Yamato Class skin... Its actually shooting the Lance from its belly phaser array instead of the from the lance how it is supposed to be. Hard points seem to be a bit screwed up there. No idea if its any better on the fleet version.
Whoever had the idea to delay the episode should just.... ...seriously get a substaincial raise! Seriously. I'd rather wait a week or two longer than getting frustrated for not being able to progress through content. I wish this would have been done in the past too.
If I remember that right inertia dictates your ships propulsion power. i.E bigger ships like cruuisers have more inertia than an escort. However the escort has less mass and can thus still go faster. Inertia combined with Turnrate is what makes cruisers do those large circles when turning. I might be wrong though, its been…
You do realize though, that the Federation not being on top has very little meaning, considering how a Federation faction was a matter of course anyway? Thus most people who took the survey wouldn't vote for the Federation in the first place, but for other factions they would want to have as playable factions. Why put a…
The more interesting thing is that the guardian is basically an iconian gateway that has the ability to travel through time. Which is fun, because if you talk to the Prophets about the iconians they say 'the Others saved them and the Others will safe them again.' I personally think the others refers to the Heralds though,…
Its not just the hull but the shields too. And not there is no official word, though I can assure you that it isn't intended as the Kazon ship had the same bug. My Galaxy X(Fleet t5U) and Eclipse(t6) also both heal for over 9000 so yeah pretty sure its a bug ;). Guardian also has a wrong shield mod from what I heard.
Well yeah the lance has always been broken. Although there were times where I managed to get ~200K crits out of it just by throwing out all my bufs at once. Nowadays I'm happy to blast shields with it. However it should be noted that Delta Quadrant enemies, or maybe even lv 60 Enemies in general have a lot of resistances…
Doubt they'd confirm it, though there are other ships with similar or even the same problem. Healing like a T3 Ship(Shields and Hull) is definitely not normal though ;)
The problem is that we don't even know their cirteria. I had 16 Specpoints in total, and 3 were deducted, so I wasn't even near the point where I would get dilithium for it, yet I miss 3 points. So I as well as a great number of people might be collateral damage, otherwise I'd really be interested in getting to see those…
I lost just 3 Spec points but was still annoyed about it. Less because they were taken but more that they were taken without any explanation at all. I don't even deny that I l have grinded in Tau Deva one time as well SOLO grinded Argala on Elite as well as with friends several times too. (Note that the word 1 or two times…
That you have problems in STFs has probably less to do with your build and more with the Guardian currently being bugged the following way: Shield Modifier is lower than it should be It recieves the Heals of a T3 ship (Really now 6K hp with ET II?!) It recieves the Shield Heals of a T3 Ship
It is supposed to have Beams, Dual Cannons, a minor lance and Photon torpedoes. While the Dual Cannons are rarely observed to to the saucer's turnrate I have yet to hear anyone seing the Torpedoes or the lance at all - People might have just not said anything though. Personally I have yet to see the dual cannons too, but…
I don't think you made a mistake with the torpedoes. I think I read in the saucer sep console's description that the Dreadnought's saucer is supposed to fire torpedoes. I might have read that wrong though. Edit: Checked it the console states that the Dread's Saucer can fire Photon Torpedoes
I never saw the cannons shooting, myself its good to know that they actually work though. The problem with it not having it is the sheer amount of Holds and roots people use in PVP, to which only APO is an effective counter, making the cannons basically useless. The same basically happens if you slot APO I, since all…
I'm not even sure if it is supposed to fire Photons or the Minilance, but it definitely is supposed to fire Dual Heavy Cannons, which it doesn't do either.
They should bring it back soon then since I just had to spam report an EC seller in my mailbox who had a very serious sounding name rather than xyzaaaajjjj like those guys usually have :rolleyes:
I love most of the changes, the one I really hate though is the Ensign universal. I would have been happier with something more along thse lines LtCmdr tac Lt Eng COm Eng Lt Sci Makes much more sense for a Dread, and is more along the lines with the others too. Alternatively they could have also introduced the new…