I also can't get past the login screen via my new iPad (iOS6). Java and cookies are on. I know that when I first logged in via my desktop, i had to verify the computer via email before I could finish logging in, but that option doesn't pop up on my iPad. Maybe that has something to do with why I'm stuck on the log in…
Same problem here. I just created a new mission, tried to publish it, and it's been sitting at 0.0% for over an hour. I tried canceling publish and retrying.... no luck. Stuck at 0.0%. :(
MAPS: I'd love to see all three current Starship Interiors... the ones you visit when you go inside your own ship. Observation Launge Map (from First Contact missions) DS9 Wardroom Map (the Conference room from DS9. as seen in the DS9 featured series) ASSESTS: More Chairs (Federation Style) More Tables (Conference room…