totaly P'Oed.not right for them to release a tier 5 ship that can be bought tier 4 makeing all the fleet tactical cruesers obsolete after waiting so long to get to tier 5 to buy them....JUST WRONG
1. In-Game @handle: @don6955 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): tac/fleet assult cruser 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish):english 4. Session you will Participate In (CEST or EDT): cest 5. Do you have any impairments we need to be aware of (e.g.,…
1. In-Game @handle: (don6955) 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): (fleet assault cruser refit) 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish): (english) 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CEST session or EDT session): (cest ) 5. Do you have any impairments…