My one complaint about these ships is that, like most carriers in the game, the pets dont launch from the highly visible hangers. Weapons always fire from predetermined points, why can't that be done for fighters and other pets?
Breaking this down for myself. Yikes, pricey either way. I have all the c-store ships to date, so not a lot of value here. Nice, but I don't need ship slots. I don't support gamble mechanic cash boxes even if they are free in this case Nice, but not a deal maker by any means especially considering whats next in this list.…
Abusive, exploitative marketing aside, anyone else think the fighter swarm mechanic should be available on other carriers in the game? Would be nice to see the actual dedicated heavy carriers launch massive clouds of fighters for a change.
If these ships were available in the c-store as account unlocks for $100 each, I would buy them. It would take a little while to save up for them, but I would buy them. Same goes for a lot of the previous lockbox ships. But random slot machine drops? Nope, not one penny.