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  • Yep I had the same reaction. The OP's authoritative tone ("You won't..." etc.) made me think that he had actual information to share, especially since information on this upcoming expansion has mostly been given to us second-hand, through forum posts by people relaying information they heard at the Con, and because, well,…
  • The Tachyokinetic Converter is just a Lobi store buy. 200 crystals, I think. I don't remember ever encountering a problem with BOffs like that due to rank, but I can't say for certain that it isn't the case. The only "problem" I know of in this arena is having to dismiss a BOff from your active boff roster if it's full in…
  • The Tachyokinetic Converter. It adds 0.76% Crit chance and 7.6% crit severity. You wouldn't have to dismiss those boffs, just assign the Romulan tac boffs to the slots. You could even have more than one loadout, one with the Rom boffs for max damage potential and one with your favorite boffs for aesthetic purposes.
  • I'm not clear on what you mean when you write that the depth and richness of the ST universe is "largely based on the inconsistency of the writing and inability to fully explore the social implications of what could often be a convenient plot device". If this statement was intended to say that the internal contradictions…
  • I could write a dissertation on the inconsistencies in the political philosophy and ethics of the Federation, not to mention that of the other races of the Star Trek universe, so I'll keep this brief. I think you have a very valid criticism. The real problem, though, isn't with the game's representation of different races'…
  • Ah, right. I remember reading something about there being an issue with some enemy types in the Foundry and faction relation to KDF, but I didn't know exactly what it was. Thanks for clarifying!
  • I didn't think of Nimbus III. I suppose there are Nausicaans there, I think; I seem to remember it's mostly Gorn, but as long as there are some Nausicaans that's a very viable option. Thanks for the suggestion! There aren't any Foundry missions for KDF that show up on a custom search of "Nausicaan" (or other, misspelled…
  • I just want to thank the devs for fixing the accolade issue. I know others have done so already but I was absolutely elated to log in this evening and observe my Honor Guard Elite Commander accolade *finally* pop, and then to successfully change my title to Honor Guard Elite Commander. I complained about the issue some…
  • Honestly this is the most frustrating issue in all of STO for me. It may seem petty, I know, but, after grinding out all the Honor Guard MK XII gear (pre-reputation system) and getting 5 out of 6 optionals before the patch (Infected Ground Elite optional was the holdout, and I got it post-rep system, as you might imagine),…
  • Safak@Kohn-Ma_Guerrilla (HGEC accolade failing to complete)