When you're going for a uniform look, that little row of potentially very-similar-but-not-the-same colors doesn't help. Edited for snark: Not deviating off-topic to debate.
Alrighty, I have a bit to respond to here. 1.) The components in question is the "Gloves Paneled" and the "Odyssey" belt. 2.) The character effected was a bridge officer human female. 3.) Starfleet for the faction. 4.) No, I wasn't loading anything before trying to fix it up and encountering this glitch. Go figure. I had…
After a few days of communicating with support, updating my graphics driver solved the problem. They recommended I do that as a last-ditch effort (I should've thought of it myself, admittedly), after telling me my machine was simply incapable of running the game.
How bizarre. I don't have ANY of the things you've listed. I wonder if they're added to the document after you get in the game. That's all I can surmise. So I guess I get to try Steam today.
Where does the DeviceType tag appear on the list of the Gameprefs document? I'm strongly considering just implanting it manually. I uninstalled both my freestanding client and the Arc version. Totally got rid of Arc. I reinstalled the standalone client, and there's no change. If I can implant the DeviceType thingie in the…
Still nada. So I have some questions for you. Are you going through Arc? What are you using where you're seeing success? What are your Gameprefs document like? PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isDx11Enabled & PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isDx9ExEnabled? Mine, I think by default, has 1 listed for each. And there's a third toggle that I've…
Yeah. No changes of note here yet. It crashes or freezes still, right after the Iconian War splash page. So unless they add more to this patch before the servers go back up, those of us getting locked out due to the DirectX bug are still left twiddling our thumbs.
I've been trying, unsuccessfully, over the past week to come back to the game, but I can't get past the Iconian War splash page. I've tried the various workarounds the net has offered. Nothing's worked. It either freezes or crashes, telling me the device is hung or something. Given the amount of publicity this bug has…