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dieutoutpuissant Arc User



  • You guys may consider the fact that you're artificially inflating this thread with a (rahter pointless) nerd argument about something vague from a fiction work. You're just going to make it harder for the devs to collect any feedback. :)
  • I expected monsters to kick me hard in the butt, and i've been able to SOLO ground bosses with my boffs and a couple of starfleet npcs around me. I expected the voth ships to tear my hull apart (it's a science vessel, it's rather weak), and it's just a completely passive huge pile of HPs. Voth bosses don't even deserve…
  • More than meh: tedious. Too easy, takes too much time to keep me interested in doing such an easy TRIBBLE. The battlezones had an incredible potential (pvp) and yet they didn't do it and chose lousy npcs we can one-shot and do no damage. What a shame. The new "elite" stfs aren't even elite, even the starbase 24 is more…
  • Yep, easy + time consuming. Terrible combo. I don't mind if it's hard (i mean really hard), at least it's satisfying. I don't mind if it's short, because you can be done with it easily and frustration has no time to grow. Here, it's just tedious and frustrating. I've completed both STFs, it's just an endless wave of easy…
  • Not fun if we're done with the game / season in 20 mins a day doing solo content. If there's nothing to do we may not log in as well, it won't make any difference, if reputations grind is done quickly. I might as well play tetris or pacman for such short lonely playing sessions. :)
  • I remember a dev saying (IIRC it was Borticus) "but our players don't want a challenge" in the TTS chat a few months ago. I guess you have your answer. I don't know where this statement comes from, but it is the motto of the content designers. :) But i'm not sure a game in which nothing is a threat - you can one-shot most…
  • It was one of the last remotely challenging content in game and it was removed for no (or wrong) reasons. Yes there were bugs, and yes, the coins part was really unnecessary, but it was fun, and it was the only STF with a dungeon feel. I will miss the 30-40 minutes of fight. I hope a legacy version of it, with the same…
  • Yet another tanky escort. Yet another destroyer. Aren't you tired of selling the same type of ship all the time?
  • I wouldn't mind 40 mins raids if those were challenging and rewarding, but currently, it's not. The elite crystalline entity is ok, even if the rewards are a bit low (most gear we get is pure garbage) but it becomes repetitive and mind-numbling to do it every day twice a day on 3-4 chars. Some variety is mandatory to…
  • What's wrong with the fed tutorial? add some of the tooltips you have in the KDF one and tah-dah, an all new tutorial in par with what you've done for the other factions. The story is fine and the duration is ok, so why putting so much effort in it?
  • It makes STFs a bit less boring, actually we have something to do / something to anticipate and think about instead of pressing the space bar like idiots for 5 mins (which is the duration of infected space elite). Yes, ships can turn and we have to chase spheres now. That's very achievable, even with a "slow" ship.
  • Because of this bug, and because of the old "couldn't get map name from map manager" bug, which is currently back, the game is completely unplayable. It's far more game-breaking than any other issues we've encountered so far, since we can't queue for anything!
  • Technically the borg spinal lance killng you when you're not in the dangerous zone isn't a bug. The spinal lance takes time to load and when the unimatrix acquires target, if you're in the dangerous zone, you will get hit no matter what you do. My advice is: Don't respawn. It's not that hard to tank. And if you have to,…
  • Which is good. People will start to L2P to get warp cores or will farm for weeks to pay for their gear, for the best player's glory. :P It can't hurt the game. Trade is a good incentive to L2P.
  • Enter the casino, play the game, claim it's robbery. Welcome to reality. Hope it's been a good lesson. ;)
  • Keep it rare and out of fleet store please. Let people buy mah stuff from the exchange, and let me earn millions of ECs on people not having skills to farm purple stuff. :cool:
  • And if you want to solo HSE with a few extremely passive "NPCs" around... Use the standard queue and find a public group. Did that once. It was funny to see odysseys being blown up by a couple of spheres.
  • My fleetmates and I figured how to get the optional every time. It just requires some teamwork and a good choice of consoles. You know, the things that drop from the pay to win boxes... You need to kill all the swarms of shuttles quickly, but i'll let you figure out how to achieve this, it's more enjoyable when you find it…
  • LTS and gold members don't get the free reman race when they hit T5 on their romulan rep, even after logging in on a character owning the T5.
  • 4h to patch, then can't log in after a 300s "server not responding". Bye bye STO, going to play a game where the publisher pays for some bandwith and servers. :rolleyes:
  • So um if it's a possible new set part and obtainable at high mark via the starbase system you've just added new vendor trash to the game. :P
  • Cool updates on most ships. I hope you tweaked the stats of the Fleet T'Varo Raider too, so that it's not super tanky anymore. :) I'm a bit sad for the mogai but you want to sell Romulan temporal destroyers. Okay, but don't take your time please, i like having a gravity well on my escorts.
  • The Tholian space set (shield deflector and engines) is a fine anti Tholian set, but why would we use that? Azure Nebula isn't hard and the Red alert has been nerfed. We need unique gear when it helps us to overcome unique challenges. There's no challenges against the Tholian, thus this set is useless. The same logic…
  • I agree. The T'Varo is completely OP. Too much hull, too many tac boffs slots, too much shields for a ship with enhanced battle cloak (a raider). That's just insane. On the other hand, the Dhelan has a really poor console layout. I think the Mogai is ok, it's very similar to the temporal destroyer.
  • Well... We don't need any of these rewards. A Tholian STF set without Tholian STFs is pointless. I'm not going to buy a 100k dilithium set to farm Azure Nebula... LOL. And another set for beams and nothing for escorts? A DBB... What did you expect? Well I pass. I also have too many universal consoles and I've the best ones…
  • That's why I like him. What a sad life if you need virtual characters to bow before you to feel better.
  • I hope this change will be reverted once they find some time to fix the issue.
  • DHCs on a Negh'Var are a mistake unless all you do is farming some very specific STFs. It may look better to you because you really like these STFs but trust me, DHCs on a cruiser are a pain outside of infected space elite and khittomer space. But if that's all you like in STO, fine, get a Negh'Var. But don't tell this…
  • The fleet Negh'Var might be a bit better than the fleet Galaxy in PvE. A bit. But there's only one small advantage: cannons. And using cannons with a fleet negh'var is a mistake, unless all you're doing is farming infected space. So all in all that's balanced. The T'Varo is extremely resilient (33k base hull, 0.99 shield…
  • Expect... The Nukara Tribble! Whith a nice shiny armor. :cool: But I'd take a Tribble gun launcher as the testing reward any day. Something social and harmless. :D