There are usually two places that are the most common. First place is where it is on a 64 bit Operating system: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live". "C:\" being the local drive on your system. Now if its a 32 bit system it could be: "C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live" which…
What happens if I have multiple toons, do I reference the same file? I will have different combinations of powers needed for say a sci guy vs. a tac guy etc. Are there three different files I would create and put into my live folder? or do I have to shuttle files around depending on what toon I want to play that day? OR,…
I have the non-fleet HEC and have been doing a of reading. I'm good in most PVE's, and normal STF's. Daily's, missions, and events are easy. PVP is challenging, but I can still hold my own for the most part (much more advanced and seasoned players out there than I am). Education goes a long, long way in this…
What about using Bridge officer powers that don't share cooldowns? would this be a better way of maximizing what you can do? For instance, since engineering team shares a cooldown with Tactical team, and as an escort, tactical team would be used almost all the time, would it not be better to use AUX to structural? instead…