Same here. I don't think the fix is high on their priorities because they appear to have more pressing issues than the Borg daily at the moment. I'm going to take a short break from the game while they iron out the issues. I'm not upset because I honestly expected them to have problems after such a large update.
Do you know me personally? I don?t think you do. My work ethic has nothing to do with my suggestion and everything to do with avoiding the caustic and obnoxious attitudes that have been known to inhabit STF?s. A good example of this attitude is the type of player that writes a derogatory assumption about a person without…
I wouldn?t mind seeing a solo based space daily for Omega marks, similar to the one run for Romulan Marks. Gathering Omega marks can be a pain for those of us who don?t want to deal with the issues of being in a STF. I enjoy Defera but it can be a time consuming grind after a while. I?m not sure if the Borg space daily was…
Just looking at that ship out the window of the Tholian control room was amazing. I wanted it! The ship has special meaning for me because it?s my 1st T5 Fed Cruiser. Many are commenting about its appearance but I think the Ambassador is beautiful, especial from the side. Thanks!
I'm a new player and one visit to Ker'rat was enough for me. On my only day there, I was ganked unmercifully three times. I never saw the person(s) that attacked me the first two times. Twice while trying to run the mission, I was blasted out of space as soon as a Borg cube engaged me. At the time, I didn't realize what…