no it dosent it only lasts for 2-4 sic then it gos on C/D for 2-4 sic and you have to hit it agen it looks like that is one of your isues is your not spamming that kiy to keep it going but is you use 2 TT skilles you well all ways have one up and whant have to do that
he might of got it by using the 600 day vet token has of now the U.S.S. Anubis well be sent to the fleet space dock for upgading to a fleet G-X cant what to get it out but only thing i have a isue with is the boff slot's stell sucks wold of like to see that ens. tec get bumped up to a Lt. com. slot
This is totally bad not all of us can get on on the weekend's do to aahhhh having to work on the weekends so the only time we can join in on the event is if we take the weekends off this ends up with us make lese money to pay bills and Ooo new toys STO comes out with and after looking at the calendar this well not be a…
this is only the 2ed time thay have dun this and yes the 1st time ppl complained about what was free and to all of you complaining dont forget they dont have to give any thing out for free ty to rember that befor you complain that its not what YOU whant or that you payed for it in the past jest like STO you didnt have to…
you can't have a low level STF because you cant fight the borg tell you get to level 40 and thats what the non elite vrisen of the stf's are for so you can learn how to do them before doing the elite ones STF's and PvE's are ment for end game
I know you sad you don't like beams but fur a scim beams are the best way to dut to its turn Iv seen beam scims do all moust 2x the dameg of a DHC scim the isuo with a DUHC scim is you can only get 5 wepons on targit or all 8 if you use turets in the back but thay dont do a lot so you have to keep the scim's nose ponted at…
they want to get bugs fixed and the updates out has soon has they can so we dont keep buging them about them. hope this fix's the crash im getting in EA after the loading screen i hope thet the new AFK thing don's hit me becos if getting a crash at the start of it so far iv been abel to get loged back in and do some dameg…
i dont mind the leveling of a toon if you do it right you can do it in 1-2 days so i rather jest save my zen and get some thing good i thenk the only part in leveling upi is the 1st 10 levels of a new rom but even thats not that bad
ther are noe free things for the romulan's this was sad at the start has it's too new THANK YOU for the free ships got all but the OS outfit and the Y. run. I got OS full set and the YRun when i ferst started to play STO back in Dec. i cant believe soooo mune ppl are ******** abot what was given out all of you need to get…