in order to make a sro nerf acceptable to the player base lets ungimp rom power levels for 1 give us a ship that can actually stay in a fight and not fold give us elite fleet plasma shall I go on I don't think I need to roms are gimped so hardly atm its not even funny only thing making them worth while is sro /box ships if…
k i am talking from experience with a vaper vaping is fail 90% of time with no trac beam simple fix wud be to either make decloack put a trac beam on a short shared cd or decloack nerfs its hold by 90% this wud make over 50% or more of vapers miss making them still here but unreliable
really isnt that hard to do lol its no big mystery cell runing a bo2 empw a iso charge proton barrage with 3 piece dyson for the crh and crtd i wont go into the doffs at all but ona full alpha from a tac decloack u can vape someone with just a iso lol
are the elite ferjais tricobalts working as intended because there thy3 tricobalts are hitting for a average of 6k on a target with no shields and a max hit ive seen is 20k vs a thy3 tricobalt normally hits for 90k on a crit not 20k the same goes for there mines low damage for what they are
i agree 100% on this as i am using a recluse and i have a karfi as well this means u can no longer spam heavy plasma from scorps or stack a constant attack pattern from mesh weavers so they gave me a 10% dmg bonus vs a constan 49% damage resist debuff i dont see the trade off on this