I'm not sure why it's such a difficult thing to fix, but it my experience with this game, if it hasn't even been addressed yet, it's not going to ever get fixed. I actually uninstalled STO because the mountain of bugs have sucked the fun out of the game for me. Which is a shame since I've supported this game financially…
The radiolytic phasers do it all the time. I haven't seen any issues with other beams, but my ship that's running radiolytic has never once had them fire-at-will from the hardpoints since they came out. I also have a top of the line gaming rig and really good internet, so it's definitely not client side.
I'm seeing this too, but if it's gone unfixed for this long, it isn't going to get fixed. Which is unfortunate. They have to hire more people to fix this stuff or something, I don't know. They tend to leave bugs that don't directly impact major gameplay or events, it's frustrating.