I had the same thing happen to me several times in various STFs and thought it might have been an ability from a Specialization Tree. However, the same thing happen on my AOY toon while doing a Shadow Play from the Roluman arc.
I think that would depend on the number of vB licenses they actually own and use. Vanilla isn't cheap, but if the STO forums is any indication of how they have maintained all their other vB forums, then switching to Vanilla forums might be cheaper, if only for the short term. Long term they can probably still save money…
Yes, I was kicked and guess what happened next.. I was invited back so what did that really accomplish except to show just how petty "they" really are. They did what they did and sooner or later they will have to reap what they sow. In the meantime you can either behave immaturely by calling people TRIBBLE's, stupid, etc.,…
Make that 7499. Being kicked from a DPS channel in a game I play for fun and camaraderie doesn't warrant that type of hostility from me. If someone wants to go on a power trip and remove me from their channel, fleet, ts, etc., it's all good. There will always be another channel, fleet, ts and eventually another game to…
^ Pretty Much This! During my time playing STO there have been multiple channels for public queues and pvp. I've even seen fleets split up. It was probably inevitable that there would be some conflict that would precipitate the creation of a second dps channel. Being a veteran of forum-based communities I half expected it.…
I've listened to the show a few times and while it is rough around the edges that's where it has its charm. I like the meat and potatoes feel of your show and the fact that it's math heavy with talks on builds and tactics hits home with me and is exactly what I found lacking in other podcasts since STOKED. The after show…
Meh, I've been in a run with two recluses present and no one broke 30k. I've been in many of runs where my recluse had the highest dps in the run, so who was buffing me? (yea, phrasing). So while I do agree that builds/ships/traits/etc does plan a role, so does teamwork and pilot skills. I've copied Mal's Scimitar build…
Normally I would accept that answer, however if that was truly the case then why does the table header have the disparaging name while the one under the More Current Tac DPS Records has another name? If those records are automatically added from parses, and if someone uploaded an "edited" parse, it should have affected…
Admittedly, I don't often take my 50k+ Scimi into queue pug runs all that often, it's not really made for that. However I do like to take my new builds and those I am tweaking into queue pug runs just to see how they do. I suspect I am not the only one if the low dps numbers are any indication. Otherwise if I'm just trying…
Ditto, hope to hear more shows discussing different builds. Been working on my P-gen build based on what I've read on the forums. Would like to know what tactics are best to get the most out of my build. The lockbox discussion was interesting and I think I would be willing to pay a "small" fee to get account wide access to…
I have to cosign this. I've watched Ryan's videos and had my DPS just about doubled. no recluse, no plasma doping, and since I run mostly in pugs there certainly isn't a lot of teamwork involved. It was pretty much very basic stuff, like removing certain skills from my "mash the spacebar" keybind and activating them when…
Technically, if you don't update the software the forums run on for the better part of a decade then its not the software's fault? Why not try updating the forums to something more recent and perhaps you can start to enjoy features that are only 5 years old instead of one that are pushing 10. Honestly, if bigger and more…
Pretty much this... The OGA proc only appears after BFAW3, in my last log running ISA solo. 15:05:22:17:18:50.9::Nosferatu,P[4028349@5698603 Nosferatu@daunknownadmin],,*,Nanite Sphere,C[20391 Mission_Infected_Healer_Sphere],Antiproton Beam Array - Fire at Will III,Pn.P00v8e1,AntiProton,,321.426,1786.94…
Here's mine; Nosferatu@DaUnknownAdmin Advanced Targeting Systems Precision Enhanced Armor Penetration Auxiliary Power Configuration (offensive) [6:55] [Combat (Self)] Your Omega Graviton Amplifier deals 751 Kinetic Damage to Quas Cruiser. I'm 20 hrs away from the tier 4 iconian rep radiant detonation matrix, so I can test…
KDF ROM Tactical Level 55, 3 Reps done, all others just a few days away (minus Iconian). Completed Night of the Comet and taking break to finish off the Reps and Ship Mastery before starting the Cardassian Struggle.
Knowing how Dil-centric this game can be at times, I think it speak volumes that the community would rather go without the week of 150% Dil reward than to drag their Delta recruit through another round of the same missions they did less than a month ago.
I have to pretty much agree with this sentiment. The reason for delaying this change is a bit silly. Here is a change that players have been asking for since this feature was implemented, but is still being "considered". In the meantime 12 hr doff missions somehow makes its way to the top of the todo list.
Prior to Delta Rising the small group that I played with could on any given night field enough players to run two teams for STFs. After Delta Rising, I and maybe two others remain. The rest left to play SWTOR. Tomorrow starts SWTOR 12x XP event. Obviously this is not an XP weekend, but it's also not a XP day, nor a week,…
With all dude respect, this game has more than a handful of existing problems. But there seems to be a pattern of behavior when it comes to determining the priority of which problems get fixed. The problems that benefit players seems to get the most and immediate attention, with the server even being brought down early to…
Thanks for taking the time to post all that information. I'll be printing it out and reviewing it to better understand the mechanics behind STO. So the changes could potentially be a buff if i can manage to increase my CrtH. Which shouldn't be too hard since I don't currently have any Romulan Boffs. That should give me a…
Perhaps, I would love nothing more than a buff to my SCI/SCI toon. It's been a lot of fun building and playing her, but I'm just going by this... Seems to me @ 400+ PG I'm losing more than I'm gaining? I currently have a PG of 449 with the ship's base crit @ CritH 3.5% and CritD 60.4% So I'll be going from; 100.00% CritH…