I'm not elite, just have a middle marked level ship/build - but maybe its time for 2 battlezone levels as per queues... 1 Elites and 1 Normal - I would jump for 40% of the marks compared to elite, if it ment I was having fun, and not just chasing a group of people who just go round and kill/clean up before your torpedo's…
Same here ... started since Maint day. Wanted crystal event on 10 chars :( Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: VM Media UK 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms routerlogin.net [] 2 15 ms 8 ms 8 ms 3 16 ms 10 ms 8 ms bagu-core-2a-xe-230-0.network.virginmedia.net…
if its the standard vet reward ships --- http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/9359773-star-trek-online%3A-new-t6-veteran-destroyers --- then you need to visit your ship supplier on ESD/Klingon Ship Station
6am they be bringing the servers down... thats in 44mins - i would think support are all in bed. For mis-bought items thats not there fault... and wouldnt qualify for refund. But dont quote me...
Arc: Problem buying Zen - Go through the stages, click on checkout and all stops - nothing happens. Edge: As Arc Chrome: As Arc Tried laptop with 3 different browsers - (safari, chrome, i.e.) all cleared etc. of history. Laptop cant get to billing arc. Loaded old I.E. 11 - and it comes up with: This page can’t be displayed…
Not in the fleet ... but the armarda - Great helpful people, events and try to get all involved. Worth applying to join these guys and girls. @Datalives United 55th.
Time zones = active server most of the time - spread and not having people upset that theres no one on at 1am to help on queue events... Cluster way of STO is fine as it is and does not require multi servers. And as the internet speed for home users /europe-usa get faster, why waste resources when they can be spent on…
hate the forums ... TRIBBLE colours ... 9 times out of 10 end up seeing all games / which i only want the best one (STO) ... guess we all should stop moaning, and give them time to finish all the migrates/themes ... TRIBBLE ... sod it ... moan moan moan ... still hate it.
Timeout 2 - after char screen UK Virgin Media ... C:\Users\brighamg>tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 6 ms 7 ms 6 ms 2 6 ms 5 ms 7 ms bagu-core-2b-ae6-758.network.virginmedia.net [80 .5.163.185] 3 * *…
Virgin Media - Manchester UK ... Did have launcher problems, but that sorted it self with a 5 min wait at first. get login2_timout after selecting char to log in.
Just a suggestion *** Only time i have odd selection problems is when i've alt screened to desktop and back ... the game stays in window mode instead of full screen. Because of the window position of the options menu, it tends to centre fine on screen to change. Press escape, options video and change drop down menu from…
As I use Arc for Both STO and Neverwinter to Auto login and launch both... Maybe already asked or not - depending on the 1000s of complaining no arc requests... Can we have the game icons updated to the status of the game ... All the time next to the tab buttons to launch - they have LIVE on them ...so must be planned…
50 is the min bid, so no one will ever buy it at that level when the markets around 130 per 1 Zen - so unless the market crashes and everyone bought at that level ... then you will not lose them to someone as the market works on the more dilith for zen...and you would lose out via the suggestion. I tend to not cancel on…
go to your star trek folder and copy a shortcut back to your desk top if you deleted it... example is where mine is installed. "C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online.exe" or if you used steam ... 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Online'
Works fine for me under w8 64bit... For those who use more than one game ... change options in launcher of STO/Neverwinter to quicklaunch ... then you can use arc to login and then load up without the need to click on play button.
click on box - a new window appears - if you have keys they can be opened, if not then your directed to buy a key... for a chance of rare items, and bit'n'bobs ... But DONT bother unless your level 50... as the low level purple items would become useless in a couple of levels (Unless you alt pass over them as they normally…