BUG - First Contact Rocket. I played the event and did the collecting and adjusting and the computer said that i wasnt participating enough. I dont get it. Played the entire time. Twice this has happened. FIX please. cant get daily item.
Add queue counter to dominion transponder for reward. i dont know where i am at. 100 queues. maybe add a 50 reward and 75 reward to keep track or simple counter
Signal T-Dan. this is BS. i have already completed power source on several toons and it doesnt work. Get rid of mission requirement andmake it like terran or counter command. Turn in the reputation 5 and get the goods. It doesnt work. I am tired of repeating the mission.
My computer keeps crashing with STO. It says draw error and for its a brand new graphics card that plays all my other games but crashes with STO. I can get to the beams in step to the stars but then just get blue screen of death or just freezes. Please fix bug. Cant give me the error as comp restarts. I have GEforce Gtx650
Can we get an Omega Mark Tribble? Also can its be on a 20 hour cool down and have it apply to all mark tribbles and give 25 marks? That would make it worth it and doesnt have to be activated hourly. Kinda currently lame
After you save salamek the women in the middle does not teleport out. Your stuck saving 3 of the 4 test subjects. wont let me move on. Also disabled the alarms but reinforcements still arrive. Help