Yes, you are right... even the eject warp plasma is not affected... that's very disappointing, especially because nobody cared about proper description.
Few ideas for undine ship... no shields, only very strong armor.... no custom engine, weapons, warp core, deflector only factory settings (ok, maybe special beam/cannons undine ship weapon only)... and all boffs needs telepathic trait to serve on such vessel :)
I really want to cry now... after lot of years of playing, first time I seriously thinking about leaving the game. I understand that the game is a business, I don't mind to pay for life subscription or bonus content... but this is really disgusting :/ Borgs are not able to assimilate undine ships but everybody else…
Actually you do :) Raiders can be deadly, but if I compare the performace of my ROM fleet dhelan to KDF fleet Norgh, then KDF is much weaker... there is no KDF escort with 5 tactical console slots or with 5 front weapons... Feel free to compare:…
Excuse me, but this ship is real rubbish. Please compare it with Ha'feh Assault Warbird which is also free.... worse turn rate, weaker shields... this is not veteran reward, this is a bad joke. If you need more of our money then give us fleet version of this ship with stronger shields (at least .95) and one more console…
Maybe I am wrong, and I hope I am, but I afraid nobody really cares about this bug much, according to twitter they want to make game available for most of that f2p player which have to wait very long now... And I afraid that's their priority now...
BTW, does it seems only too me, or it's 12 hours since bug was accepted by cryptic and the best information they gave us is "We are working on resolution" ?
Anybody have this issue with non borg character? On twitter, they are persuading us that problems is not limited to borgs, but as far as I can see, only liberated romulan borgs are affected
Dear cryptic support, I know you feel probably pretty silly now and I understand it because it's not exactly your fault. But please don't insult us with nice but empty statements and try to explain us current status without using the words: Patience, feedback, investigate and try to include words like: estimation, patch,…
Translate from PR to english: Yes, we are pretty angry because everybody is complaining and we have no idea what's wrong. Yes, we know you are not patient at all. But stop whinning and wait! Maybe if few hours we announce that in few hours the server will go down for few hours. --- Meanwhile, players with no premium…
I asked at twitter, how long time they need to find out how long they they need to fix... answer... As soon as possbiel. The game on tribble was more stable then this :((
I am just finished doing the mission Test of Mettle and I have two questions 1. The mission started by getting new ship. But I was already at lvl. 13 and I had t2 warbird. Bu I had to speak with shipyard anyway. 2. The fact that I am aligned with klingon is ok, but why does my romulan officers speaks like a klingon? I am…