Ever played "No One Lives Forever"? Great Bond-like game with amazing retro style. But to do something like this you need to boldly go where no one has gone before:) You need to risk and do something new and fun. That could work. And I'm not going to argue with people, who are saying "visuals are unimportant, because…
To all Discovery defenders - we can argue about story and lore (I think Disc is very badly written, it's just generic s-f shooting, but if someone likes it - fine by me, de gustibus non est disputandum). But you can't change visuals... If you want it, just don't make prequels, simple as that. Set the show some time after…
And that's the great "success" of Discovery: alienating big part of fanbase, dividing people, making conflicts... And destroying the universe, because you can't "redesign" classic TOS look - it's classic TOS look! JJ Abrams at least made his own timeline - I can hate his Treks, but they don't interefere with "my" Treks, so…
Kirk was irritating cowboy, but in the end I liked him most as a captain. Picard was irritating buffoon from the beginning till the end. Never understood, why he was so praised by fans... For me only Archer was worse. I liked Sisko too, maybe even more than Kirk, but he was too "military" type and I don't like military…
I only want to tell - I really love your acting, Mr Combs! As for questions, I would rather ask the screenwriters - why you didn't made Shran main character in "Enterprise"?:)
So it was available only during night and today before maintenance? So only for jobless, sleepless people? Can't say I'm happy with this. Why the best part of giveaway was organised in such bad manner?:/ Still - thanks for formal wear!