Instead of giving negative comments like some people do here, Go here dharcmage Then contact support. I also think this is an issue that should be fixed without contacting support / should have been fixed with the last update.
I lost my bridge officers to. TOS Captain. Lost all my BO's that came with the TOS campaign and the female borg officer from pre ordering the game... It was the first captain I logged on to after the season patch, other captains still have all BO's even the one's that get deleted on the first captain I logged on with. Hope…
This goes for me to. I love Star Trek and that is the only reason why I'm still here since launch. But all these changes... Will normal mode STF still get dilithium? I only play those... The worst part is people are telling you youare making bad moves but you just don't care...
Dear Cryptic, ** **** ********! Just another proof that you don't give a damn about player loyalty... You at least could have waited another 100 days to put the ship up for everyone, so we had the ship for ourselfs for a bit. But no! Haven't bought a single thing in your precious zstore for a while because you keep abusing…
Stipend + Dilithium exchange, getting this ship for free :D Will use the Sovereign skin on it tho, I do think the Regent looks... wierd. But that might change once I see it ingame.