For some of us the Queue is a problem just with timezone. Oceania evenings it nigh impossible for lack of the US players But when eventually getting a gueue together and carry these afk'ers has had me leave the game totally. spent weeks on evenings for a chance to do events for reputation leveling. Least something needs to…
I am another with the same issue, At first the patch problem came up, actually got some help from Support but not a definitive answer. Tried a re-install, that got same patching problem now finally at 5149Kb to go but it reaches 898kb/5149kb and gets stuck there every time. Now its Agents of yesterday and I'm missing out,…
I agree Completely, Adding here to a previous post - The placing of these uniforms in the lobi store has totally quelled my spending for more zen completely. I bought a key to unlock a box only to receive 4 lobi and a research xp boost. Only 4 lobi and need 200 for a uniform unlocked for only one character.....that equates…
I would of been happy to of shelled out for more C store coins for the Uniforms. I'm a life-timer, But per character buying by Lobi, no way. Never Wonder if Developers read the Forums? - Well messed that up. So many Uniforms available for account in C store and the One I had most anticipation for is a Lobi purchase???