Well I also have a CPU gauge going and it's not being hard pressed by STO at that point at all. And I've done much worse to this comp CPU-wise and still it's handled it. Again, I've run STO before (pre F2P) just fine. It's just since I've tried to come back that I've had this issue.
If it was a power issue, why then does nothing else shut off my system. I actually decided to stress my system so I ran LOTRO and TOR at the same time.... system was fine. The power supply is more than enough. And again, I used to run STO with this same system fine. No on-board video on the card. nVidia 680i LT SLI. Could…
So since I can't post my own topic, figured I'd attach it to this one. My computer is shutting down as well when I load STO. I'm fully patched with STO and all of my drivers and such. IT IS NOT A TEMPERATURE ISSUE. If anyone suggests it is temperature I'll slap them silly. My computer does it whether it is just on, been on…