Perhaps you should have been a touch more clear because the abilities don't have the option to just "auto-activated" but to " activate under specific conditions. For example, you can set Science Team to go off at certain shield levels, or you can have it go off to cleanse a shield debuff. BUT you can have only ONE…
Star fleet vessels have always been multi-role and a throwaway line that's a joke in VOY doesn't change that. Read the Jayce's article about the Pathfinder: In PUG queues, I find my Pathfinder…
I see you played an Elvaan in FFXI. My primary was a Bastok Hume, Ragnarok server. I was running her WHM/BST when I quit the game. As a very casual player I couldn't justify the subscription. Nine? I'm not quite sure I've played that many. Begins counting console MMO's I've played. PS2: EQOA, FFXI PS3: FreeRealms, DCUO,…
It works, if you ignore them on psn first. Click on the name and choose view profile, block on psn as usual. Retirn to the game and report within game. Then they STAY blocked.
In my own experience, the 23c bridge works as well, but the Original bridge wouldn't work for me until I switched interior layouts ONCE....then it worked.
Oh great idea! The PS4 web browser can't even upload to Flickr, I've tried, even though the browser on the PS3 DOES support file uploads. Character:* Cecilia Creeggan, Betazoid Female. I use the same name I did for my Betazoid SCI captain in PC STO. The name is partly based on the name of my Second Life avatar, who is also…
What a fantastic idea! It is so awesome sounding, I wonder why Cryptic didn't think of it themselves. It wold be an opportunity to sell more outfit options. I wager 1000 quatloos on the eventual appearance of such a feature. Also the music in the arena MUST be "The Ritual / Ancient Battle / Second Kroykah". Hum it with me…
R&D upgrades that we purchase from either vendor or exchange are going into main inventory on ps4. I can confirm this and I believe this is yet another bug. I have not found a way to move them yet.
Delta will work now, if you change it back to Delta, and it will now work properly on any future ship you acquire. Which interior you start with or change to doesn't matter, the actual change is what clears the bug.
Strike that, reverse that. Interiors ARE in the game but there's some kind of bug where the option to visit the crew and engineering decks won't show unless you've changed the interior once. Once you do then it shows up for any interior. Only found this out after i had changed the bridge to the classic TOS bridge.
You can toggle between various zoom levels. Hold down X to bring up the Quick Menu, move the cursor down to Set Camera and hit X to toggle between the zoom levels. That's been a known thing since the game was announced back in what was it, May? Yep, we must have both played the original tutorial. The one the console has is…
That has been known for months that accounts don't transfer. You can "link" the account to get the WOK Khan outfit. Hold down the X button, that brings up the quick menu. Move the highlight down to the Camera Zoom and hit x to change the zoom level. It's a toggle. That's right, I noticed that right away. No "equalized" or…
PlayStation Store is updated, and yes it is there in the US store along side zen packs and the fed rom and kdf packs. About 17GB. Thank you, cyptic/pw for bringing STO to console.…
I KNOW! I found the archive of it last night. I found myself yelling at the video, even though it wouldn't do any good. I kept saying things like "Shut up about the shooters/Suicide Squad/whatever and focus on the GAME!" "You just picked up ship equipment, equip it!" "Learn to use your camera!" I just wanted to take the…
OUCH! I didn't start playing that till it went F2P, so it had some fixes. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either. I think it wasn't until just before the PS4 launch with Update 31 (DCUO was launch ready on the PS4), that the "fun" began outweighing the annoyances. That said, it still isn't as "free-player-friendly"…
They might get some small bonuses for account linking, but they'd be the same bonuses a console player without a pre-existing ARC account would get if they created an ARC account and linked. For example, I got an Illusionist companion when I linked PS4 Neverwinter to my already existing ARC account (created for PC STO).…
Well well well, looks like some of us in the other "STO on console" threads were spot on. I mentioned that I hoped they used a "tap button does one thing, hold button does another" feature, and a couple of other people mentioned the Tactics/Gambits of DAO and FFXII. For those who didn't play Final Fantasy XII, let me…
FF14 is Final Fantasy 14....not a shooter. DCUO is DC Universe Online.... not a shooter. TESO is Elder Scrolls Online....not a shooter. Onigiri is not a shooter. And EQOA and FFXI weren't shooters either. I'm going to say this again: "I'm going to be blunt about this, PC gamers in general aren't any different from console…
Yep. It is possible, it is how War Thunder works. War Thunder uses the same account across all platforms so if you play on PC, you could login on a PS4 and you'd have your same account, or vice versa. I even tested it out to be sure, logged into War Thunder using the Linux client and everything was the same. It definitely…
Good question! I've played a few console MMO's (and MMOish games) over the years and while I usually did most of the activity with the controller, I usually had a keyboard hooked up as well and did some things with that. For example, I used keyboard control for "some" abilities and "Rest and recover" function in FFXI Or…
For all the fuss, when cryptic took over STO development, the game was listed as a cross-platform title. And in 2010 they said that they ALREADY had it working on consoles, but decided against releasing it for "business reasons" No really:…
Some of the folks in this thread need to tone down the "STO on console is the End of the World" rhetoric just a tad. I'm primarily a console gamer in the Playstation ecosystem, though I'll play a PC game now and then if it doesn't have a console port. One of those few PC games was/is STO, I play in WINE, under Linux. So…