Cryptic broke in to my house stole all my beer and abused my favorite donkey I am very angry right now because that was my best friend in the whole world. Then yall made my game unfun and I am really mad.
Only if they dont know how to fly or dock in stations lol just take your time and dock slowly you will be fine just dont land in the wrong landing pad thats a no no
You guys think this will make the game a more enjoyable experience to be honest the game became garbage after Delta Rising less rewards, no reason to get fleet weapons anymore, the exchange is a joke now because of crafting, the in game drops other than a few mission rewards suck. Star Trek is awesome but this isn't Star…
Well while we are waiting on Star citizen which should be released by late next year. Elite Dangerous looks good to from the previews its a little slow but when combat happens if can be real fun.
First off get over your self your a nobody just like the rest of us. The only reason why people come back to this wonderful game (Sarcasm) is because of all the money and time they invested not because they like it. People put up with this game and hope that it gets some what fixed. Its like a abusive relationship where…
Maybe with this server outage people will realize that there are better games that STO and no one will come back to play this garbage of a mmo that always breaks down when Hard working people that have free time can play. I will be glad when Star Citizen will come out I already have plans to get Elite Dangerous. So keep…
I am already grinding for the breen carrier but i was worried about not being able to get that due to my weird work schedule so i wanted a back up. A friend of mine has the Xindi Aquatic carrier it deals pretty good dps. I was also wanting the Elachi dread but I am broke just like everyone else I just bought 4 of the R&D…
Just shut the game down for a week fix all the bugs and possible failures. Its getting harder and harder to know when I can get on and play. DO something about these problems this getting TRIBBLE. I keep questioning why do I still get on and play sto anymore I have invested money and time in to this game just like everyone…
Well this is awesome the first night i get home at a decent time from work sever is down. Thanks cryptic I guess I didn't need to play tonight anyways.