Heard from a friend that subsystem repair actually doesn't do anything, changed my build up earlier because of that. I did look at that site and think about it a bit, shifted a couple of my points around - in engineering mostly. Same link.
I've been taking the advice in this thread, put together a build I think would work nicely. Currently on the fence over Hull Plating 9 vs. Intertial Dampeners 6, but otherwise think this would work well. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=crazy10101Fleetscort_242 True, but speccing into torps…
I got quite ninja'd by you, how does CSV put out better dps than CRF? Doesn't it scatter fire between all targets, just putting aggro on you? Sure, you're already going to pull it on your main target, but why all the other adds that nobody's damaged yet too? I did mean inertial damps by the 6 at Cpt level, emitters and…
I was leaning towards a full energy build in the first place, really wish they would allow us to have two skill builds, like WoW. Then this discussion would be mostly moot, as you could switch between the two. If I have Polarize Hull, which cancels the tractor debuff already, would I be fine skipping APO? Well, I was…
I get where you're coming from; been doing the one-energy type all game, if I can help it. Still find it funny to see escorts running around with BEAMS in the fore during fleet alerts. :rolleyes: Meanwhile, I'm turning probes/spheres into goop with my Cmdr24 Oslo, no torp, all white (except for the consoles) escort.