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What is the Arc Client?
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cpain2k Arc User



  • Word! And while on the topic of extended time allowance, I would like to suggest that the devs take as much time as needed to complete these content updates. Story arc is pretty good, but the graphics appear a bit dated. The pve mission where the Enterprise J shoots the weird cracked balls with twizzler lazer beam, and the…
  • I don't believe that's a bad idea, however, I would like to suggest that the developers work out their clunky "on dry land" mechanics first. :|
  • Sorry if I upset anyone from going off topic, being such an awesome subject (dill/Zen) ratio. Anyway, what does everyone think of the new ships STO is cranking out? Specs, style? I personally think they look, not so great. Some of the specs are pretty good but I think they mostly look like... no star trek like. Kinda…
  • The connection issues seem to be wide spread enough to safely say that this is not a local machine problem but a server end problem. I am trying my best to hang in there until they work out the server end issues as I am certain they're aware.