So I'm starting to play with the LSS. One of the first things I'm looking at is using it as a flanking torpedo bomber/harasser . Basically it gets in behind a ship or station and pummels it, using tractors, jams, sabotage; whatever it takes to stay in the rear arc. The ship is nimble enough to zip away if it gets too hot.…
Timed, think had 30. Fortunatly no fivers in that one. Found if you have one or two fivers you get about 5-10 rds less. Still don't know why fivers cant call out to eachother and get a premade going, not like theres no demand for that.
Mid 60's, with a TSC group, despite me being fairly undergeared Getting knocked into the laser beams sucks almost as badly as getting grav mined into a lightning bolt zone
I've decided to switch over to my Romulan for awhile, so the nature of the kludges will change slightly. Nest up is the Pilum. There will be several subtypes each using technology to simulate the effects of science. Built around the Kara Advanced Warbird, this thing is meant to pull down shields and pummel a…
They are the research lab ones, I think STOA's icon is for the embassy consoles. The doubles are a placeholder/experiment. Might get distributed targeting or FA, but been away a few months so have to see whats new and fits best. I'm normally torp heav, so KLW is both a hold over and a why not. Low tac fits me better.
The first in my series of Science Kludges, still a work in progress but progressed enough to display something. Still have doffs and such to sort, also sto academy does not have everything yet. The whole concept of this series is create science out of what was not meant to be science (Note: None of this will be cheap…
So I got my hands on the Herald Dreadnought and came up with this. Aodnait Simply put, its designed to rip down shields and power in order to let torpedoes and the advanced mirs turn opposing ships into rapidly dispersing clouds. While this variant is…
So this time I'm gonna try the myth busters approach. Going to use ships in ways they were not intended to be used. Take a cruiser or escort with minimal science seating and try to get science result out of them. For example I can take my steam runner and turn it into a nasty shield stripper with right gear and traits. One…
Does a near spit-take upon seeing the shattered hulks left behind the first time I tested using a drain/photon build regale you enough? I did try Elite Scorpions as to not mix weapons types but they seemed lackluster, Callisto's require some intense micromanaging to be effective, So I figure the Aeons had the best bang for…
Not to mention that [over] has a lockout preventing chains. While I havent tried protpol on my narcine yet, I do know that Coordinated Assault with the frigates is terrifying.
Kool-Aid Carrier in progress. Similar setup to the kool-aid nebula but using Jupiter hull. Since I have Aeon timeships, thinking double hangars of those. No torps, handled by Aeons. 5 Protpol and the proton weapon, will have BO1 for triggering coordinated assault so imagine 12 aeons with AP Beams overloading at same time…
So I was looking for ways to fuse elements of the protonic cruiser and my science drain boats. I essentially wanted to turn the ship into a highly mobile tykens rift/tachyon beam capable of generating other rifts which were then capable of after shocks. Like most of the stuff I put together its designed for support, just…
More like in trying to overcome the limitations of only tac lt slot. Still no way of testing until I get sto back up and running. Purged sto and arc from my comp before work. Hope it reinstalls right tonight after I get back
So while I am waiting for STO to reinstall (some sort of disconnect and program got fouled up) thought I'd offer up an Atrox that I was starting to develop Since its a protype that I cant test yet this is just a rough sketch. Essentially its a support vessel designed to strip shields at range, using what I can of the…
If you feel like spending the Lobi, Tethered Quantum Mines are a lot of fun in these situations since they stick with you and can drag em to your targets. now I have to go and watch that movie again
That would work for those with fleet gear, but for those like me who have been burned before and don't want to bother with it crafted and rewards are the best we got
I'm looking at them for their support rather than dps. Imagine what someone like @darkknightucf can do to bare immobile hull with weakened res. Probably don't have to likely a video out there
I've been meaning to do this for a while. First of all, not a budget build . That being said the ship in question is highly adaptable so it can be used as sort of a template for other ships depending on the cmdr slot. A Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser This particular variant is Sci/Drain heavy, but the universal cmdr slot…
Looking at theGet a new ship list on tribble, it looks like they've added the phoenix pylons and mission pod the the t3 default. It also looks like the TDF is now standalone with the set now being a two piece TDG and a " tachyon particle field emitter"
I was also trying the DSD out for my Romulan Engineer (was using a non-budget version with all the bells and whistles) and it just felt lacking, of course I work without fleet gear so that may make the diff for someone else. Another non budget version I am starting to work on for my romulan is a Kara build
A little more tactical/drain oriented version of the pirate. Someone mentioned the Terran Set so I went ahead and knocked one out. No problems in Argala Elite, didn't even have to hit a heal. Drew the kazon and they pretty much came to a halt once i targeted them. Their shields would drop fairly regularly, weapons went…
I came across a handy converter tool that lets you input a stoa build and it spits it out in a fairly clean text format (plus the link) so it can do lot of the prepwork and set things up for a line by line explanation, course I just have to remember where I found it. Ah found it:…
Ok a little more refined version of something I put over on the Sci Builds. Essentially its a science pirate ship, using the protonic polaron cruiser build as a base, so a some stuff is the same or similar but on a T5-U nebula hull. I did the testing in Argala advanced/Elite no real problems, was kinda funny watching the…
Having binged on Black Sails I came up with this. I started with a base of the Protonic Polaron Kool-Aid and went from there to create a close range grapple and boarding vessel ( Just try not talking like a pirate when you do this). Meant to stay within 2KM to reduce Boarding Party Distance and keep demo teams going.…
Well, I did try an Atrox in Argala Elite. Shields went down fast with dual Adv Stalkers and the ships science skills, but hampered by 2 less weapons slots and only a lt tac. Still it worked at least against the hirogens, no deaths.