I'll add that (at least for me) none of the Deep Space Nine pack items are around; can't claim the Bajoran weapons, can't claim the shuttlecraft, can't claim the doffs.
Worth noting about mission removals. It's not just the xp gain that's being lost. Each mission completion gave a chunk of points to advance in level, and I really doubt that these new missions are going to come close to the amount lost as far as that goes. But it's also the mission rewards-often important to getting your…
The best Star Trek reference in Stargate (for me, anyway) was when Carter was telling O'Neill that no, they weren't going to name their brand new starship "Enterprise".
I'd say Talaxians can work out pretty well in the KDF. I imagine many are filled with bload-soaked rage at the face of their species being Neelix. Nobody likes to be a stereotype....
Last time I'd seen this sort of crackdown on an MMO forum, it didn't really end well for the game. (Granted, that had more to do with what was done to that game than what was done to their forum, but it was a pretty good indicator of where things were going.)
Should be. The only thing I can think of that would cause a disconnect would be if one person recorded under a different version of STO (say one not recently patched). I don't have access to my game pc at the moment, so I don't recall exactly where the files are located. But the individual files should have everything…
I think it happened when they started that gear upgrade event; Hugor was one of the NPCs to give the "gifts" out for the event. And that was probably where they grabbed a generic Klingon who appeared in every bit of content that has an enemy Klingon in it...
I'd had something similar happen to the OP. Except when I appeared in Tuvok's ready room, I had Tuvok with me...to meet with Tuvok. I couldn't interact with Meditating Tuvok, and I didn't see any indicators as to what to do next, so I exited the room to the bridge. Very shortly after that, Mind-Tuvok despawned and I got…
I'm going to go with "none". If I have a desperate desire to do a T5U, I'll use one of my vet ships. But my plans are the ships currently in my roster are the ones I'll fly-period.
Hm, that explains those Klingons I saw in the "Doomsday Device" mission; of course, I had just figured it was a bug in the mission itself, rather than something wider. I'm going to go with "Operatives from Klingon Intelligence". Commander Hugor is just a codename....
As mentioned further up-check the R&D tab in your Inventory. The items are being placed in there now. I had a bad moment myself when I looked in the main inventory and didn't see anything showing up, even though the chat window said I'd received them. I don't know what possessed me to check the R&D tab, but I did check,…
Sure, I'll throw in my hat. Let's see if this #DeltaRising entry gets picked or not. (Probably not-but heck, I don't win with the big lottery tickets either; the fun is in the hope.)
I think at this point, the odds of there being any more Klingon (or Romulan) specific missions are approaching zero. I suspect the devs are happy where things are at with having a full leveling path for the Klingons finally in place, and the Romulans got that with Legacy of Romulus. Now, the devs are moving ahead with the…
Just putting this out there: assuming that the "silent majority" agrees with you is not necessarily a safe assumption. That goes for both sides. Those who agree quietly don't feel the need to rock the boat; those who disagree quietly will just leave.
Don't worry, OP. Odds are, the devs will remove the patrol missions eventually too, since most of them are roughly the same quality as the exploration clusters they just got rid of. So soon, the only leveling path will be through the episodes and queues! (Only half joking.)
Fun fact: originally, you COULD actually choose between the tactical, science, or engineering officer. It was only later when you were forced into taking the tactical officer. I want to say that was with the advent of the freemium conversion, but memory eludes me here.
A couple more for Search for Spock: "That green-blooded son of a *****! It's his revenge for all those arguments he lost!" "Don't call me Tiny." "Have you always multiplied your repair estimates by a factor of four?" "Certainly, Sir. How else can I keep my reputation as a miracle worker?"
I'd support the Akira Sulu theory just for the cut-scene potential. Franklin Drake is in an interrogation room with an Undine prisoner. "I'm not going to ask you this again. After this, I'm afraid we'll have to get unpleasant. For the last time-WHERE'S SULU!?"
Better to say, "Don't waste your money on their Master Keys". Pretty happy with the direct purchases of ships, outfits, and other incidentals like character slots.
The Belgariad and Elenium books by David Eddings. While the plots may not be the most original, the characters make them worth reading. The Dresden Files books by Jim Butcher. You might consider them contemporary fantasy, but I can't say enough good things about them. And the writing makes it clear that he's one of us,…