well, dont know wether my particular problem ( freezing for a minute as soon as character screen loaded ) was caused by having the game set to compatibility mode for xp service pack 2. God knows when that box was ticked, possibly when the previous cryptic problem occurred :). Anyway, after the updte I just applied all…
Unfortunately this does effect gameplay. A lot of players are crashing and there are other effects also which I will detail in a moment. The actual display message itself is irrelevant. My own problem is: Game loads up fine then material files reloaded appears bottom left corner. manages to get to character selection…
I often lose in PvP, basically for one good reason ' cloaks ' PvP would be a whole lot better if Klingons stopped staying cloaked and then picking on someone who is engaging Borg cubes on Kerrat with an Alpha strike. I would love to see an option to have all cloaks disabled to even up the field, perhaps a new map…
Well, just got in from work, time for a game..ah no, servers down again :( Ah well, hope they finally fix the mail bug. I did notice a lot of people saying they are thinking about leaving the game...and yet they keep posting on the forums. If you were going to leave why bother posting? Yes, the down time is annoying as…
I am continually amazed at the term 'Programmers' in my day you actually knew how to code in assembler, now its just a set of linked routines, modules, error checks etc. so just how difficult can it be to pin stuff down? Surely you test each module on a mirror server prior to implementation? If you cant sort it on Tribble…
You gotta laugh, I swear the dev's are watching me load up the game, wait till it gets to 99.9 percent nudging each other goin..not yet..not yet..now..do it now...then click....muhahahahhahaha - yeah really funny! you total set of .............. :)