{possible spoiler} Not sure if it for real or just fan made.. according to a "leak" it looks like we're more likely to get a T6 Negh instead {REDACTED!} :p
Also I think those halos change color based on your beam. If disruptor its an expanding blue sphere halo thingy. If AP, its red. I havent tried it on other color weapons but I assume its changes based on the weapon color
You aint alone :) How I long for a T6 Brel.. flying the T5U one and when I warp into a pug, its hilarious to see all super big ships warping in and my tiny Brel with attitude right next to them :P
I do like all the T6 ships we've got so far though. The Command ships are everything I wanted the Bortas line to be. The Matha is pure beast-machine-demon-from-grethor to anyone facing it. Qib is a fine curiser in its own rights.. The one thing that would complete our line up and make almost all the KDF players very very…
This pretty much. Also KDF ships also get lower shield modifiers. Romulan singularities get lower overall power compared to the warp core based ships Feds/KDF have. So OP, you cant really have the best of all 3 worlds.
I have the T5U Brel non fleet version tho. Too bad it requires a T5 shipyard for the fleet version. My fleet is T4 atm.The Brel is loads of fun and yea I'm sick of beams on Klingons ships. I've had some people in pugs tell me change to beams on my Brel and on my main's Mah'tha! The GALL OF SOME PEOPLE!!! THE BLASPHEMY!!!
The MatHa. It is T6 afterall. Frankly I havent had to worry about survivability as the ships leaves enemy husks all around it faster than it can loose its own shields. I run an AP setup though, not disruptor with the matha console like most.
Sometimes it fascinates me that people play as Fed and are off gallivanting around the galaxy vaporizing people. Its fun at first but then you realize you are playing a Federation captain and most of it makes no sense if you are a trek fan. Its one of the reasons I now solely play KDF or Romulan. Atleast when they vaporize…
Hey Thanks! I do have the exp romulan beam. I guess I forgot to put that one up! I do have the nukara engines as well. Since I already have the shields I guess I'll use the Nukara 2 set in this case Guess I now need to work on my borg rep as well Never knew about Exotic Particle Field Exciter. Made a note of that Thanks…
For some reason pew-pew'ers hate it when facing a good sci capn(similar to players who hate rogues in WoW) Sci cpns can totally make the pew-pew'er loose control of his ship with the debuffs and scrambles and wells and rifts etc etc.. Pew-pew'er gets mad he can smash his forehead on space bar and win as usual.. and so he…
Well honestly , the new ships can be made to look good. I've made mine look like a Bortas/Neghvar hybrid. its possible, you just need to play around the parts (assuming you got the pack of course) And with the Nukara shields they do look decent.. well of course, anything with Nukara looks great tho :p
I must be getting better at this episode.. just did it on an alt and got the accolade for doing all those hoppady hoops in under 10 (i think) minutes ..
I sincerely hope its the angle that makes those KDF ships look a bit... odd. I still might end up buying it like I did the Bortas pack.. if only to support the KDF faction (my main is KDF) Still waiting for that elusive K'Vort tho ... come now, would you not want to fly a BoP the size of the Galaxy class :D
I run mine with AntiProtons primarily cos I had invested in the spire tac consoles. My layout uses DHC APs up front with one DBB AP beam. At times I replace one cannon slot with a Grav Torp (if I use the Command specialization to give the expose effects) I use the DBB for the trait and I have the Qib trait as well that…
3 KDFs Main on Sci Ferasan and Tac Klingon alternatively Have an Eng Orion 2 Rommies and 2 Fed who I occasionally play with. In a small but tight fleet where we all know each other with L4 SB soon gonna hit L5
The references you cite don't exactly highlight a lot about KI. Not like the info we have on S13. KI even in the novels DO have influence btw and do have tenets of honor. Its just that they take a more practical view (rather than Klingonese honor view) of events and dont let honor get in the way of duty. In Visionary for…
The intel services ARE mostly made up of houseless Klingons. So yea, they are pretty much on the mark. Its also been the same in the novels as well. Gorkon series and the one with Bashir and the Andorian cure thingy. The high council and the Chancellor barely just tolerate them The Klingons in the intel services do in fact…
This ones male. and yea you're rite, if it was Shere, most people in India are likely to pronounce the end -e as well. Its mainly because the scripts for Indian languages are based on sound. So essentially we have a letter for each sound and those who haven't studied English from a young age (or havent had good teachers)…
I rarely see any Ferasans. Sher Kahn (my Sci ferasan) seems to be the only kitty around :( Plenty of NPC Ferasans but rarely any player. As a matter of fact same goes for Ciatian I do have a male orion as well :P Made him TRIBBLE to boot. Hes great to troll Fed players who are.. um..insecure!!
Well after the duty roster part of the Talaxian mission (if you dont get the spice mission you get this one), my Ferasan wanted to dismember and feed on Talaxian entrails!! For the first time in y life I finally can sympathize with Tuvok and how irritated he must have felt all the time Neelix annoyed him!! Oh and I didn't…
The Qib looks amazingly so gorgeous in the Nukara Shields, I just had to go and upgrade those shield to Mk14 instead of my fleet shields :cool: Even if you dont intend to use them, just put them on , if only to see how lovely the ship looks. Its become my new favorite after the Vorcha (lookwise). Im not even mad my sci…