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cold4 Arc User



  • Yes, yes they do. Which is why I asked openly for them to do something about the spam, and I'm not specifically reffering to the content but the volume (yesterday evening GMT). I think you might have got a little sidetracked by all the other comments.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • I searched using the title of the convention used by the poster, and I think you'll find that is a very specific term, but that brings lots of results when searched for. I introduced wikipedia's info on Civil rights, but only to show the limitations of the freedom of speech, I have the right to free speech or freedom of…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Dragging this back to the original topic, despite asking no one as yet has been willing or able to justify in a reason argument why one or more individuals should be allowed to flood zone chat with spam (in this case Gorn spam) effectively denying others, due to the sheer volume of posts, their right to use this in game…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Google says About 3,440,000 results when you search for International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Which one did you use, because I'd really like to find about how private companies are allowed to ignore civil rights.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Hopefully Bobby this will convince you your definition is the wrong one. Your definition specifically mentioned electronic messaging systems. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Electronic messaging may refer to: One to One communication Instant message (on a computer network) Personal message (on a computer network)…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Because somebody way back said it was his right to flood zone chat with Gorn jokes.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • I intended to, thats why I asked for your source, you gave me a search engine, and as we all know it is very hard to find the right information. BTW see above
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • The clue is in the definition, in the one you provided it says messaging, in mine it says video game. Same word, more than one definition.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Do you think maybe the 74 signatories are member states of the United Nations, and that 168 parties are made up of a selection of non-Governmental organizations and non- profit organizations ? Whilst you are technically correct it only signed by those I mentioned above, part of that signing process is an aggreement to…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • It seems odd that the worlds governments would allow private entities such power as to totally do away with the most basic of human rights, the freedom of speech/expression. Perhaps you could provide the source of your information, no doubt you have readily to hand, having researched it yourself so extensivly.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • You do not have to be part of a minority group to have civil rights, and burying your head in the sand is the reason why you still have to contend with the numerous issues that you dislike.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • It is the right of everyone to use any form of media to communicate with others about whatever they choose, in this case zone chat in STO. If however, due to the sheer volume of spam effectivley preventing normal usage of that chat facility then the individual rights to use it are denied. Recently we all had trouble…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • I didn't misquote anything, that was copied and pasted straight from wikipeadia, but as you brought them up, perhap you could provide the exception that punch these holes in my argument.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Kind of sad how willing you are to give up your basic human rights, I'm pretty sure PWE's code of ethics adheres to and abides by this international convention. The reason why you and I can discuss this point is directly because of that convention as it enforces civil rights.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Really, why not ?
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • It would seem we need more, as you have no idea what I've said.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • There have been a few comments as why I should be so focused on the Gorn spam and something more serious i.e. the Racist, Xenophobic, Homophobic etc. conversations. Having an opinion on any particular topic does not exclude me from having an opinion on others, but getting spam of any kind moderated would mean that it would…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Courtesy of Dictionary.com spamming (lowercase) Digital Technology. to execute (an action) or use (an item) rapidly or repeatedly in a video game: Your example of how it might appear to be a few users but is actually more defines this as spam, the number of contributors does not stop it from being spam, this is defined by…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • It seems as though you are not adverse to cherry picking what people have said or quoted, allow me than to refute your clumsily made accusation. Things I have said in this thread Actually, no it isn't JUST my opinion, they however do not have any right to take over said channel. NOTE: I said spammers, not people who tell…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • I take your point, there is however a mechanic in game already where you can report spam....would it be too much to expect a GM to repsond to these report and to moderate (as their title would suggest they do). Whilst initially this would mean that the GM's would have to devote a large amount of time to this task, it would…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • You expect others who do not partake in this spamming to make concessions, whilst they are arguably in the majority. Also, I have asked and I am yet to recieve an answer as to why repeating the same thing over and over for hours on end is funny, perhaps you could supply the answer? NOTE: I said spammers, not people who…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Absolutely they do, they however do not have any right to take over said channel. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Bobby you seem insistent that users of zone chat make all the concessions, "pause and scroll back" or turn off zone chat. An alternative is that the Gorn spammers find the their own little used Gorner of the galaxy like Risa or Vulcan so that they can spam away to their hearts content. The added bonus being you will always…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • I assume that this person did not string together five minutes worth of these jokes....and then go to repeat the same jokes constantly for the next couple of hours. But, if he did could you tell me what would happen in this channel ?
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Actually, no it isn't JUST my opinion, numerous ppl voice the same objections in zone chat about the issue, I would suggest that it isn't the spamming that ppl find fun or funny, instead they do it because of the negative reactions it generates and it is this that the spammers find fun.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • If you are going fishing, you'll need better bait than that.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • I challenge you to explain why repeating the same film titles, lyrics or quotes with the word Gorn rammed into them with all the finesse of a Rhino mounting a rocking horse....and then repeating them again five or ten minutes later.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Perhaps then, if Cryptic were to monitor zone chat they could do both, control of one type of spam need not exclude others.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • Please, please show me where I have been in anyay hostile towards anyone. Objecting to ppl spamming in zone chat to the extent it prevents normal use of that chat facility by users of the game is, I would consider a perfectly normal reaction.
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016
  • The moderation does not have to be in real time, Cryptic like any other MMO employs GM's that are supposed to respond to reports or compliants. All that has to happen is a for them to utilize the assets already in place. I understand and have witnessed too that other games have the issue, but accepting it here because it…
    in Gorn Spam Comment by cold4 February 2016